/* Declaration for error-reporting function for Bison. Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2004-2006, 2009-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Based on error.c and error.h, written by David MacKenzie . */ #include #include "system.h" #include #include #include #include "complain.h" #include "files.h" #include "getargs.h" #include "quote.h" err_status complaint_status = status_none; bool warnings_are_errors = false; /** Whether -Werror/-Wno-error was applied to a warning. */ typedef enum { errority_unset = 0, /** No explict status. */ errority_disabled = 1, /** Explictly disabled with -Wno-error=foo. */ errority_enabled = 2 /** Explictly enabled with -Werror=foo. */ } errority; /** For each warning type, its errority. */ static errority errority_flag[warnings_size]; /** Diagnostics severity. */ typedef enum { severity_disabled = 0, /**< Explicitly disabled via -Wno-foo. */ severity_unset = 1, /**< Unspecified status. */ severity_warning = 2, /**< A warning. */ severity_error = 3, /**< An error (continue, but die soon). */ severity_fatal = 4 /**< Fatal error (die now). */ } severity; /** For each warning type, its severity. */ static severity warnings_flag[warnings_size]; static unsigned *indent_ptr = 0; /*------------------------. | --warnings's handling. | `------------------------*/ static const char * const warnings_args[] = { "none", "midrule-values", "yacc", "conflicts-sr", "conflicts-rr", "deprecated", "empty-rule", "precedence", "other", "all", "error", "everything", 0 }; static const int warnings_types[] = { Wnone, Wmidrule_values, Wyacc, Wconflicts_sr, Wconflicts_rr, Wdeprecated, Wempty_rule, Wprecedence, Wother, Wall, Werror, Weverything }; ARGMATCH_VERIFY (warnings_args, warnings_types); void warning_argmatch (char const *arg, size_t no, size_t err) { int value = XARGMATCH ("--warning", arg + no + err, warnings_args, warnings_types); /* -Wnone == -Wno-everything, and -Wno-none == -Weverything. */ if (!value) { value = Weverything; no = !no; } size_t b; for (b = 0; b < warnings_size; ++b) if (value & 1 << b) { if (err && no) /* -Wno-error=foo. */ errority_flag[b] = errority_disabled; else if (err && !no) { /* -Werror=foo: enables -Wfoo. */ errority_flag[b] = errority_enabled; warnings_flag[b] = severity_warning; } else if (no) /* -Wno-foo. */ warnings_flag[b] = severity_disabled; else /* -Wfoo. */ warnings_flag[b] = severity_warning; } } /** Decode a comma-separated list of arguments from -W. * * \param args comma separated list of effective subarguments to decode. * If 0, then activate all the flags. */ void warnings_argmatch (char *args) { if (args) for (args = strtok (args, ","); args; args = strtok (NULL, ",")) if (STREQ (args, "error")) warnings_are_errors = true; else if (STREQ (args, "no-error")) warnings_are_errors = false; else { /* The length of the possible 'no-' prefix: 3, or 0. */ size_t no = STRPREFIX_LIT ("no-", args) ? 3 : 0; /* The length of the possible 'error=' (possibly after 'no-') prefix: 6, or 0. */ size_t err = STRPREFIX_LIT ("error=", args + no) ? 6 : 0; warning_argmatch (args, no, err); } else warning_argmatch ("all", 0, 0); } /*-----------. | complain. | `-----------*/ void complain_init (void) { warnings warnings_default = Wconflicts_sr | Wconflicts_rr | Wdeprecated | Wother; size_t b; for (b = 0; b < warnings_size; ++b) { warnings_flag[b] = (1 << b & warnings_default ? severity_warning : severity_unset); errority_flag[b] = errority_unset; } } /* A diagnostic with FLAGS is about to be issued. With what severity? (severity_fatal, severity_error, severity_disabled, or severity_warning.) */ static severity warning_severity (warnings flags) { if (flags & fatal) /* Diagnostics about fatal errors. */ return severity_fatal; else if (flags & complaint) /* Diagnostics about errors. */ return severity_error; else { /* Diagnostics about warnings. */ severity res = severity_disabled; size_t b; for (b = 0; b < warnings_size; ++b) if (flags & 1 << b) { res = res < warnings_flag[b] ? warnings_flag[b] : res; /* If the diagnostic is enabled, and -Werror is enabled, and -Wno-error=foo was not explicitly requested, this is an error. */ if (res == severity_warning && (errority_flag[b] == errority_enabled || (warnings_are_errors && errority_flag[b] != errority_disabled))) res = severity_error; } return res; } } bool warning_is_unset (warnings flags) { size_t b; for (b = 0; b < warnings_size; ++b) if (flags & 1 << b && warnings_flag[b] != severity_unset) return false; return true; } /** Display a "[-Wyacc]" like message on \a f. */ static void warnings_print_categories (warnings warn_flags, FILE *f) { /* Display only the first match, the second is "-Wall". */ size_t i; for (i = 0; warnings_args[i]; ++i) if (warn_flags & warnings_types[i]) { severity s = warning_severity (warnings_types[i]); fprintf (f, " [-W%s%s]", s == severity_error ? "error=" : "", warnings_args[i]); return; } } /** Report an error message. * * \param loc the location, defaulting to the current file, * or the program name. * \param flags the category for this message. * \param prefix put before the message (e.g., "warning"). * \param message the error message, a printf format string. Iff it * ends with ": ", then no trailing newline is printed, * and the caller should print the remaining * newline-terminated message to stderr. * \param args the arguments of the format string. */ static void error_message (const location *loc, warnings flags, const char *prefix, const char *message, va_list args) { unsigned pos = 0; if (loc) pos += location_print (*loc, stderr); else pos += fprintf (stderr, "%s", current_file ? current_file : program_name); pos += fprintf (stderr, ": "); if (indent_ptr) { if (*indent_ptr) prefix = NULL; if (!*indent_ptr) *indent_ptr = pos; else if (*indent_ptr > pos) fprintf (stderr, "%*s", *indent_ptr - pos, ""); indent_ptr = 0; } if (prefix) fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", prefix); vfprintf (stderr, message, args); if (! (flags & silent)) warnings_print_categories (flags, stderr); { size_t l = strlen (message); if (l < 2 || message[l - 2] != ':' || message[l - 1] != ' ') { putc ('\n', stderr); fflush (stderr); if (loc && feature_flag & feature_caret && !(flags & no_caret)) location_caret (*loc, stderr); } } fflush (stderr); } /** Raise a complaint. That can be a fatal error, an error or just a warning. */ static void complains (const location *loc, warnings flags, const char *message, va_list args) { severity s = warning_severity (flags); if ((flags & complaint) && complaint_status < status_complaint) complaint_status = status_complaint; if (severity_warning <= s) { const char* prefix = s == severity_fatal ? _("fatal error") : s == severity_error ? _("error") : _("warning"); if (severity_error <= s && ! complaint_status) complaint_status = status_warning_as_error; error_message (loc, flags, prefix, message, args); } if (flags & fatal) exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } void complain (location const *loc, warnings flags, const char *message, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, message); complains (loc, flags, message, args); va_end (args); } void complain_indent (location const *loc, warnings flags, unsigned *indent, const char *message, ...) { va_list args; indent_ptr = indent; va_start (args, message); complains (loc, flags, message, args); va_end (args); } void complain_args (location const *loc, warnings w, unsigned *indent, int argc, char *argv[]) { switch (argc) { case 1: complain_indent (loc, w, indent, "%s", _(argv[0])); break; case 2: complain_indent (loc, w, indent, _(argv[0]), argv[1]); break; case 3: complain_indent (loc, w, indent, _(argv[0]), argv[1], argv[2]); break; case 4: complain_indent (loc, w, indent, _(argv[0]), argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); break; case 5: complain_indent (loc, w, indent, _(argv[0]), argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]); break; default: complain (loc, fatal, "too many arguments for complains"); break; } } void deprecated_directive (location const *loc, char const *old, char const *upd) { if (feature_flag & feature_caret) complain (loc, Wdeprecated, _("deprecated directive, use %s"), quote_n (1, upd)); else complain (loc, Wdeprecated, _("deprecated directive: %s, use %s"), quote (old), quote_n (1, upd)); } void duplicate_directive (char const *directive, location first, location second) { unsigned i = 0; complain (&second, complaint, _("only one %s allowed per rule"), directive); i += SUB_INDENT; complain_indent (&first, complaint, &i, _("previous declaration")); }