/* * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "pkg.h" #include "parse.h" #include "rpmvercmp.h" #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H # include <malloc.h> #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> static void verify_package (Package *pkg); static GHashTable *packages = NULL; static GHashTable *locations = NULL; static GHashTable *path_positions = NULL; static GHashTable *globals = NULL; static GList *search_dirs = NULL; static int scanned_dir_count = 0; gboolean disable_uninstalled = FALSE; gboolean ignore_requires = FALSE; gboolean ignore_requires_private = TRUE; gboolean ignore_private_libs = TRUE; void add_search_dir (const char *path) { search_dirs = g_list_append (search_dirs, g_strdup (path)); } void add_search_dirs (const char *path, const char *separator) { char **search_dirs; char **iter; search_dirs = g_strsplit (path, separator, -1); iter = search_dirs; while (*iter) { debug_spew ("Adding directory '%s' from PKG_CONFIG_PATH\n", *iter); add_search_dir (*iter); ++iter; } g_strfreev (search_dirs); } #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 /* Guard against .pc file being installed with UPPER CASE name */ # define FOLD(x) tolower(x) # define FOLDCMP(a, b) g_ascii_strcasecmp (a, b) #else # define FOLD(x) (x) # define FOLDCMP(a, b) strcmp (a, b) #endif #define EXT_LEN 3 static gboolean ends_in_dotpc (const char *str) { int len = strlen (str); if (len > EXT_LEN && str[len - 3] == '.' && FOLD (str[len - 2]) == 'p' && FOLD (str[len - 1]) == 'c') return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /* strlen ("-uninstalled") */ #define UNINSTALLED_LEN 12 gboolean name_ends_in_uninstalled (const char *str) { int len = strlen (str); if (len > UNINSTALLED_LEN && FOLDCMP ((str + len - UNINSTALLED_LEN), "-uninstalled") == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /* Look for .pc files in the given directory and add them into * locations, ignoring duplicates */ static void scan_dir (char *dirname) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dent; int dirnamelen = strlen (dirname); /* Use a copy of dirname cause Win32 opendir doesn't like * superfluous trailing (back)slashes in the directory name. */ char *dirname_copy = g_strdup (dirname); if (dirnamelen > 1 && dirname[dirnamelen-1] == G_DIR_SEPARATOR) { dirnamelen--; dirname_copy[dirnamelen] = '\0'; } #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 { gchar *p; /* Turn backslashes into slashes or * g_shell_parse_argv() will eat them when ${prefix} * has been expanded in parse_libs(). */ p = dirname; while (*p) { if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; p++; } } #endif dir = opendir (dirname_copy); g_free (dirname_copy); scanned_dir_count += 1; if (!dir) { debug_spew ("Cannot open directory #%i '%s' in package search path: %s\n", scanned_dir_count, dirname, g_strerror (errno)); return; } debug_spew ("Scanning directory #%i '%s'\n", scanned_dir_count, dirname); while ((dent = readdir (dir))) { int len = strlen (dent->d_name); if (ends_in_dotpc (dent->d_name)) { char *pkgname = g_malloc (len - EXT_LEN + 1); debug_spew ("File '%s' appears to be a .pc file\n", dent->d_name); strncpy (pkgname, dent->d_name, len - EXT_LEN); pkgname[len-EXT_LEN] = '\0'; if (g_hash_table_lookup (locations, pkgname)) { debug_spew ("File '%s' ignored, we already know about package '%s'\n", dent->d_name, pkgname); g_free (pkgname); } else { char *filename = g_malloc (dirnamelen + 1 + len + 1); strncpy (filename, dirname, dirnamelen); filename[dirnamelen] = G_DIR_SEPARATOR; strcpy (filename + dirnamelen + 1, dent->d_name); if (g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR) == TRUE) { g_hash_table_insert (locations, pkgname, filename); g_hash_table_insert (path_positions, pkgname, GINT_TO_POINTER (scanned_dir_count)); debug_spew ("Will find package '%s' in file '%s'\n", pkgname, filename); } else { debug_spew ("Ignoring '%s' while looking for '%s'; not a " "regular file.\n", pkgname, filename); } } } else { debug_spew ("Ignoring file '%s' in search directory; not a .pc file\n", dent->d_name); } } closedir(dir); } static Package * add_virtual_pkgconfig_package (void) { Package *pkg = NULL; gchar *path_quoted; pkg = g_new0 (Package, 1); pkg->key = g_strdup ("pkg-config"); pkg->version = g_strdup (VERSION); pkg->name = g_strdup ("pkg-config"); pkg->description = g_strdup ("pkg-config is a system for managing " "compile/link flags for libraries"); pkg->url = g_strdup ("http://pkg-config.freedesktop.org/"); if (pkg->vars == NULL) pkg->vars = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); path_quoted = g_shell_quote (pkg_config_pc_path); g_hash_table_insert (pkg->vars, "pc_path", path_quoted); debug_spew ("Adding virtual 'pkg-config' package to list of known packages\n"); g_hash_table_insert (packages, pkg->key, pkg); return pkg; } void package_init () { static gboolean initted = FALSE; if (!initted) { initted = TRUE; packages = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); locations = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); path_positions = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); add_virtual_pkgconfig_package (); g_list_foreach (search_dirs, (GFunc)scan_dir, NULL); } } static Package * internal_get_package (const char *name, gboolean warn) { Package *pkg = NULL; const char *location; GList *iter; pkg = g_hash_table_lookup (packages, name); if (pkg) return pkg; debug_spew ("Looking for package '%s'\n", name); /* treat "name" as a filename if it ends in .pc and exists */ if ( ends_in_dotpc (name) ) { debug_spew ("Considering '%s' to be a filename rather than a package name\n", name); location = name; } else { /* See if we should auto-prefer the uninstalled version */ if (!disable_uninstalled && !name_ends_in_uninstalled (name)) { char *un; un = g_strconcat (name, "-uninstalled", NULL); pkg = internal_get_package (un, FALSE); g_free (un); if (pkg) { debug_spew ("Preferring uninstalled version of package '%s'\n", name); return pkg; } } location = g_hash_table_lookup (locations, name); } if (location == NULL) { if (warn) verbose_error ("Package %s was not found in the pkg-config search path.\n" "Perhaps you should add the directory containing `%s.pc'\n" "to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable\n", name, name); return NULL; } debug_spew ("Reading '%s' from file '%s'\n", name, location); pkg = parse_package_file (location, ignore_requires, ignore_private_libs, ignore_requires_private); if (pkg == NULL) { debug_spew ("Failed to parse '%s'\n", location); return NULL; } if (strstr (location, "uninstalled.pc")) pkg->uninstalled = TRUE; if (location != name) pkg->key = g_strdup (name); else { /* need to strip package name out of the filename */ int len = strlen (name); const char *end = name + (len - EXT_LEN); const char *start = end; while (start != name && *start != G_DIR_SEPARATOR) --start; g_assert (end >= start); pkg->key = g_strndup (start, end - start); } pkg->path_position = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (path_positions, pkg->key)); debug_spew ("Path position of '%s' is %d\n", pkg->key, pkg->path_position); debug_spew ("Adding '%s' to list of known packages\n", pkg->key); g_hash_table_insert (packages, pkg->key, pkg); /* pull in Requires packages */ for (iter = pkg->requires_entries; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) { Package *req; RequiredVersion *ver = iter->data; debug_spew ("Searching for '%s' requirement '%s'\n", pkg->key, ver->name); req = internal_get_package (ver->name, warn); if (req == NULL) { verbose_error ("Package '%s', required by '%s', not found\n", ver->name, pkg->key); exit (1); } if (pkg->required_versions == NULL) pkg->required_versions = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); g_hash_table_insert (pkg->required_versions, ver->name, ver); pkg->requires = g_list_prepend (pkg->requires, req); } /* pull in Requires.private packages */ for (iter = pkg->requires_private_entries; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) { Package *req; RequiredVersion *ver = iter->data; debug_spew ("Searching for '%s' private requirement '%s'\n", pkg->key, ver->name); req = internal_get_package (ver->name, warn); if (req == NULL) { verbose_error ("Package '%s', required by '%s', not found\n", ver->name, pkg->key); exit (1); } if (pkg->required_versions == NULL) pkg->required_versions = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); g_hash_table_insert (pkg->required_versions, ver->name, ver); pkg->requires_private = g_list_prepend (pkg->requires_private, req); } /* make requires_private include a copy of the public requires too */ pkg->requires_private = g_list_concat (g_list_copy (pkg->requires), pkg->requires_private); pkg->requires = g_list_reverse (pkg->requires); pkg->requires_private = g_list_reverse (pkg->requires_private); verify_package (pkg); return pkg; } Package * get_package (const char *name) { return internal_get_package (name, TRUE); } Package * get_package_quiet (const char *name) { return internal_get_package (name, FALSE); } /* Strip consecutive duplicate arguments in the flag list. */ static GList * flag_list_strip_duplicates (GList *list) { GList *tmp; /* Start at the 2nd element of the list so we don't have to check for an * existing previous element. */ for (tmp = g_list_next (list); tmp != NULL; tmp = g_list_next (tmp)) { Flag *cur = tmp->data; Flag *prev = tmp->prev->data; if (cur->type == prev->type && g_strcmp0 (cur->arg, prev->arg) == 0) { /* Remove the duplicate flag from the list and move to the last * element to prepare for the next iteration. */ GList *dup = tmp; debug_spew (" removing duplicate \"%s\"\n", cur->arg); tmp = g_list_previous (tmp); list = g_list_remove_link (list, dup); } } return list; } static char * flag_list_to_string (GList *list) { GList *tmp; GString *str = g_string_new (""); char *retval; tmp = list; while (tmp != NULL) { Flag *flag = tmp->data; char *tmpstr = flag->arg; if (pcsysrootdir != NULL && flag->type & (CFLAGS_I | LIBS_L)) { g_string_append_c (str, '-'); g_string_append_c (str, tmpstr[1]); g_string_append (str, pcsysrootdir); g_string_append (str, tmpstr+2); } else { g_string_append (str, tmpstr); } g_string_append_c (str, ' '); tmp = g_list_next (tmp); } retval = str->str; g_string_free (str, FALSE); return retval; } static int pathposcmp (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const Package *pa = a; const Package *pb = b; if (pa->path_position < pb->path_position) return -1; else if (pa->path_position > pb->path_position) return 1; else return 0; } static void spew_package_list (const char *name, GList *list) { GList *tmp; debug_spew (" %s:", name); tmp = list; while (tmp != NULL) { Package *pkg = tmp->data; debug_spew (" %s", pkg->key); tmp = tmp->next; } debug_spew ("\n"); } static GList * packages_sort_by_path_position (GList *list) { return g_list_sort (list, pathposcmp); } static void recursive_fill_list (Package *pkg, gboolean include_private, GList **listp) { GList *tmp; /* * If the package is one of the parents, we can skip it. This allows * circular requires loops to be broken. */ if (pkg->in_requires_chain) { debug_spew ("Package %s already in requires chain, skipping\n", pkg->key); return; } /* record this package in the dependency chain */ pkg->in_requires_chain = TRUE; /* Start from the end of the required package list to maintain order since * the recursive list is built by prepending. */ tmp = include_private ? pkg->requires_private : pkg->requires; for (tmp = g_list_last (tmp); tmp != NULL; tmp = g_list_previous (tmp)) recursive_fill_list (tmp->data, include_private, listp); *listp = g_list_prepend (*listp, pkg); /* remove this package from the dependency chain now that we've unwound */ pkg->in_requires_chain = FALSE; } /* merge the flags from the individual packages */ static GList * merge_flag_lists (GList *packages, FlagType type) { GList *last = NULL; GList *merged = NULL; /* keep track of the last element to avoid traversing the whole list */ for (; packages != NULL; packages = g_list_next (packages)) { Package *pkg = packages->data; GList *flags = (type & LIBS_ANY) ? pkg->libs : pkg->cflags; /* manually copy the elements so we can keep track of the end */ for (; flags != NULL; flags = g_list_next (flags)) { Flag *flag = flags->data; if (flag->type & type) { if (last == NULL) { merged = g_list_prepend (NULL, flags->data); last = merged; } else last = g_list_next (g_list_append (last, flags->data)); } } } return merged; } /* Work backwards from the end of the package list to remove duplicate * packages. This could happen because the package was specified multiple * times on the command line, or because multiple packages require the same * package. When we have duplicate dependencies, starting from the end of the * list ensures that the dependency shows up later in the package list and * Libs will come out correctly. */ static GList * package_list_strip_duplicates (GList *packages) { GList *cur; GHashTable *requires; requires = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); for (cur = g_list_last (packages); cur != NULL; cur = g_list_previous (cur)) { Package *pkg = cur->data; if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (requires, pkg->key, NULL, NULL)) { GList *dup = cur; /* Remove the duplicate package from the list */ debug_spew ("Removing duplicate package %s\n", pkg->key); cur = cur->next; packages = g_list_delete_link (packages, dup); } else { /* Unique package. Track it and move to the next. */ g_hash_table_replace (requires, pkg->key, pkg->key); } } g_hash_table_destroy (requires); return packages; } static GList * fill_list (GList *packages, FlagType type, gboolean in_path_order, gboolean include_private) { GList *tmp; GList *expanded = NULL; GList *flags; /* Start from the end of the requested package list to maintain order since * the recursive list is built by prepending. */ for (tmp = g_list_last (packages); tmp != NULL; tmp = g_list_previous (tmp)) recursive_fill_list (tmp->data, include_private, &expanded); /* Remove duplicate packages from the recursive list. This should provide a * serialized package list where all interdependencies are resolved * consistently. */ spew_package_list (" pre-remove", expanded); expanded = package_list_strip_duplicates (expanded); spew_package_list ("post-remove", expanded); if (in_path_order) { spew_package_list ("original", expanded); expanded = packages_sort_by_path_position (expanded); spew_package_list (" sorted", expanded); } flags = merge_flag_lists (expanded, type); g_list_free (expanded); return flags; } static GList * add_env_variable_to_list (GList *list, const gchar *env) { gchar **values; gint i; values = g_strsplit (env, G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, 0); for (i = 0; values[i] != NULL; i++) { list = g_list_append (list, g_strdup (values[i])); } g_strfreev (values); return list; } static void verify_package (Package *pkg) { GList *requires = NULL; GList *conflicts = NULL; GList *system_directories = NULL; GList *iter; GList *requires_iter; GList *conflicts_iter; GList *system_dir_iter = NULL; int count; const gchar *search_path; /* Be sure we have the required fields */ if (pkg->key == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Internal pkg-config error, package with no key, please file a bug report\n"); exit (1); } if (pkg->name == NULL) { verbose_error ("Package '%s' has no Name: field\n", pkg->key); exit (1); } if (pkg->version == NULL) { verbose_error ("Package '%s' has no Version: field\n", pkg->key); exit (1); } if (pkg->description == NULL) { verbose_error ("Package '%s' has no Description: field\n", pkg->key); exit (1); } /* Make sure we have the right version for all requirements */ iter = pkg->requires_private; while (iter != NULL) { Package *req = iter->data; RequiredVersion *ver = NULL; if (pkg->required_versions) ver = g_hash_table_lookup (pkg->required_versions, req->key); if (ver) { if (!version_test (ver->comparison, req->version, ver->version)) { verbose_error ("Package '%s' requires '%s %s %s' but version of %s is %s\n", pkg->key, req->key, comparison_to_str (ver->comparison), ver->version, req->key, req->version); if (req->url) verbose_error ("You may find new versions of %s at %s\n", req->name, req->url); exit (1); } } iter = g_list_next (iter); } /* Make sure we didn't drag in any conflicts via Requires * (inefficient algorithm, who cares) */ recursive_fill_list (pkg, TRUE, &requires); conflicts = pkg->conflicts; requires_iter = requires; while (requires_iter != NULL) { Package *req = requires_iter->data; conflicts_iter = conflicts; while (conflicts_iter != NULL) { RequiredVersion *ver = conflicts_iter->data; if (strcmp (ver->name, req->key) == 0 && version_test (ver->comparison, req->version, ver->version)) { verbose_error ("Version %s of %s creates a conflict.\n" "(%s %s %s conflicts with %s %s)\n", req->version, req->key, ver->name, comparison_to_str (ver->comparison), ver->version ? ver->version : "(any)", ver->owner->key, ver->owner->version); exit (1); } conflicts_iter = g_list_next (conflicts_iter); } requires_iter = g_list_next (requires_iter); } g_list_free (requires); /* We make a list of system directories that gcc expects so we can remove * them. */ search_path = g_getenv ("PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH"); if (search_path == NULL) { search_path = PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH; } system_directories = add_env_variable_to_list (system_directories, search_path); search_path = g_getenv ("C_INCLUDE_PATH"); if (search_path != NULL) { system_directories = add_env_variable_to_list (system_directories, search_path); } search_path = g_getenv ("CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH"); if (search_path != NULL) { system_directories = add_env_variable_to_list (system_directories, search_path); } count = 0; for (iter = pkg->cflags; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) { gint offset = 0; Flag *flag = iter->data; if (!(flag->type & CFLAGS_I)) continue; /* we put things in canonical -I/usr/include (vs. -I /usr/include) format, * but if someone changes it later we may as well be robust */ if (((strncmp (flag->arg, "-I", 2) == 0) && (offset = 2))|| ((strncmp (flag->arg, "-I ", 3) == 0) && (offset = 3))) { if (offset == 0) { iter = iter->next; continue; } system_dir_iter = system_directories; while (system_dir_iter != NULL) { if (strcmp (system_dir_iter->data, ((char*)flag->arg) + offset) == 0) { debug_spew ("Package %s has %s in Cflags\n", pkg->key, (gchar *)flag->arg); if (g_getenv ("PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS") == NULL) { debug_spew ("Removing %s from cflags for %s\n", flag->arg, pkg->key); ++count; iter->data = NULL; break; } } system_dir_iter = system_dir_iter->next; } } } while (count) { pkg->cflags = g_list_remove (pkg->cflags, NULL); --count; } g_list_foreach (system_directories, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_list_free (system_directories); system_directories = NULL; search_path = g_getenv ("PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH"); if (search_path == NULL) { search_path = PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH; } system_directories = add_env_variable_to_list (system_directories, search_path); count = 0; for (iter = pkg->libs; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) { GList *system_dir_iter = system_directories; Flag *flag = iter->data; if (!(flag->type & LIBS_L)) continue; while (system_dir_iter != NULL) { gboolean is_system = FALSE; const char *linker_arg = flag->arg; const char *system_libpath = system_dir_iter->data; if (strncmp (linker_arg, "-L ", 3) == 0 && strcmp (linker_arg + 3, system_libpath) == 0) is_system = TRUE; else if (strncmp (linker_arg, "-L", 2) == 0 && strcmp (linker_arg + 2, system_libpath) == 0) is_system = TRUE; if (is_system) { debug_spew ("Package %s has -L %s in Libs\n", pkg->key, system_libpath); if (g_getenv ("PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS") == NULL) { iter->data = NULL; ++count; debug_spew ("Removing -L %s from libs for %s\n", system_libpath, pkg->key); break; } } system_dir_iter = system_dir_iter->next; } } g_list_free (system_directories); while (count) { pkg->libs = g_list_remove (pkg->libs, NULL); --count; } } /* Create a merged list of required packages and retrieve the flags from them. * Strip the duplicates from the flags list. The sorting and stripping can be * done in one of two ways: packages sorted by position in the pkg-config path * and stripping done from the beginning of the list, or packages sorted from * most dependent to least dependent and stripping from the end of the list. * The former is done for -I/-L flags, and the latter for all others. */ static char * get_multi_merged (GList *pkgs, FlagType type, gboolean in_path_order, gboolean include_private) { GList *list; char *retval; list = fill_list (pkgs, type, in_path_order, include_private); list = flag_list_strip_duplicates (list); retval = flag_list_to_string (list); g_list_free (list); return retval; } char * packages_get_flags (GList *pkgs, FlagType flags) { GString *str; char *cur; str = g_string_new (NULL); /* sort packages in path order for -L/-I, dependency order otherwise */ if (flags & CFLAGS_OTHER) { cur = get_multi_merged (pkgs, CFLAGS_OTHER, FALSE, TRUE); debug_spew ("adding CFLAGS_OTHER string \"%s\"\n", cur); g_string_append (str, cur); g_free (cur); } if (flags & CFLAGS_I) { cur = get_multi_merged (pkgs, CFLAGS_I, TRUE, TRUE); debug_spew ("adding CFLAGS_I string \"%s\"\n", cur); g_string_append (str, cur); g_free (cur); } if (flags & LIBS_L) { cur = get_multi_merged (pkgs, LIBS_L, TRUE, !ignore_private_libs); debug_spew ("adding LIBS_L string \"%s\"\n", cur); g_string_append (str, cur); g_free (cur); } if (flags & (LIBS_OTHER | LIBS_l)) { cur = get_multi_merged (pkgs, flags & (LIBS_OTHER | LIBS_l), FALSE, !ignore_private_libs); debug_spew ("adding LIBS_OTHER | LIBS_l string \"%s\"\n", cur); g_string_append (str, cur); g_free (cur); } /* Strip trailing space. */ if (str->len > 0 && str->str[str->len - 1] == ' ') g_string_truncate (str, str->len - 1); debug_spew ("returning flags string \"%s\"\n", str->str); return g_string_free (str, FALSE); } void define_global_variable (const char *varname, const char *varval) { if (globals == NULL) globals = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); if (g_hash_table_lookup (globals, varname)) { verbose_error ("Variable '%s' defined twice globally\n", varname); exit (1); } g_hash_table_insert (globals, g_strdup (varname), g_strdup (varval)); debug_spew ("Global variable definition '%s' = '%s'\n", varname, varval); } char * package_get_var (Package *pkg, const char *var) { char *varval = NULL; if (globals) varval = g_strdup (g_hash_table_lookup (globals, var)); if (varval == NULL && pkg->vars) varval = g_strdup (g_hash_table_lookup (pkg->vars, var)); return varval; } char * packages_get_var (GList *pkgs, const char *varname) { GList *tmp; GString *str; char *retval; GError *error = NULL; str = g_string_new (""); tmp = pkgs; while (tmp != NULL) { Package *pkg = tmp->data; char *var, *unquoted_var; var = package_get_var (pkg, varname); if (var) { unquoted_var = g_shell_unquote (var, &error); if (unquoted_var != NULL) { g_string_append (str, unquoted_var); g_string_append_c (str, ' '); g_free (unquoted_var); } else { verbose_error ("Couldn't unquote value of \"%s\": %s\n", varname, error ? error->message : "unknown"); g_clear_error (&error); } g_free (var); } tmp = g_list_next (tmp); } /* chop last space */ if (str->len > 0) str->str[str->len - 1] = '\0'; retval = str->str; g_string_free (str, FALSE); return retval; } int compare_versions (const char * a, const char *b) { return rpmvercmp (a, b); } gboolean version_test (ComparisonType comparison, const char *a, const char *b) { switch (comparison) { case LESS_THAN: return compare_versions (a, b) < 0; break; case GREATER_THAN: return compare_versions (a, b) > 0; break; case LESS_THAN_EQUAL: return compare_versions (a, b) <= 0; break; case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL: return compare_versions (a, b) >= 0; break; case EQUAL: return compare_versions (a, b) == 0; break; case NOT_EQUAL: return compare_versions (a, b) != 0; break; case ALWAYS_MATCH: return TRUE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return FALSE; } const char * comparison_to_str (ComparisonType comparison) { switch (comparison) { case LESS_THAN: return "<"; break; case GREATER_THAN: return ">"; break; case LESS_THAN_EQUAL: return "<="; break; case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL: return ">="; break; case EQUAL: return "="; break; case NOT_EQUAL: return "!="; break; case ALWAYS_MATCH: return "(any)"; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } return "???"; } static void max_len_foreach (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { int *mlen = data; *mlen = MAX (*mlen, strlen (key)); } static void packages_foreach (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data) { Package *pkg = get_package (key); if (pkg != NULL) { char *pad; pad = g_strnfill (GPOINTER_TO_INT (data) - strlen (pkg->key), ' '); printf ("%s%s%s - %s\n", pkg->key, pad, pkg->name, pkg->description); g_free (pad); } } void print_package_list (void) { int mlen = 0; ignore_requires = TRUE; ignore_requires_private = TRUE; g_hash_table_foreach (locations, max_len_foreach, &mlen); g_hash_table_foreach (locations, packages_foreach, GINT_TO_POINTER (mlen + 1)); } void enable_private_libs(void) { ignore_private_libs = FALSE; } void disable_private_libs(void) { ignore_private_libs = TRUE; } void enable_requires(void) { ignore_requires = FALSE; } void disable_requires(void) { ignore_requires = TRUE; } void enable_requires_private(void) { ignore_requires_private = FALSE; } void disable_requires_private(void) { ignore_requires_private = TRUE; }