/* * cgi-io - LuCI non-RPC helper * * Copyright (C) 2013 Jo-Philipp Wich * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "multipart_parser.h" enum part { PART_UNKNOWN, PART_SESSIONID, PART_FILENAME, PART_FILEMODE, PART_FILEDATA }; const char *parts[] = { "(bug)", "sessionid", "filename", "filemode", "filedata", }; struct state { bool is_content_disposition; enum part parttype; char *sessionid; char *filename; bool filedata; int filemode; int filefd; int tempfd; }; enum { SES_ACCESS, __SES_MAX, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy ses_policy[__SES_MAX] = { [SES_ACCESS] = { .name = "access", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL }, }; static struct state st; static void session_access_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *msg) { struct blob_attr *tb[__SES_MAX]; bool *allow = (bool *)req->priv; if (!msg) return; blobmsg_parse(ses_policy, __SES_MAX, tb, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); if (tb[SES_ACCESS]) *allow = blobmsg_get_bool(tb[SES_ACCESS]); } static bool session_access(const char *sid, const char *obj, const char *func) { uint32_t id; bool allow = false; struct ubus_context *ctx; static struct blob_buf req; ctx = ubus_connect(NULL); if (!ctx || ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "session", &id)) goto out; blob_buf_init(&req, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "ubus_rpc_session", sid); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "scope", "cgi-io"); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "object", obj); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "function", func); ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "access", req.head, session_access_cb, &allow, 500); out: if (ctx) ubus_free(ctx); return allow; } static char * md5sum(const char *file) { pid_t pid; int fds[2]; static char md5[33]; if (pipe(fds)) return NULL; switch ((pid = fork())) { case -1: return NULL; case 0: uloop_done(); dup2(fds[1], 1); close(0); close(2); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); if (execl("/bin/busybox", "/bin/busybox", "md5sum", file, NULL)); return NULL; break; default: memset(md5, 0, sizeof(md5)); read(fds[0], md5, 32); waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); } return md5; } static char * datadup(const void *in, size_t len) { char *out = malloc(len + 1); if (!out) return NULL; memcpy(out, in, len); *(out + len) = 0; return out; } static bool urldecode(char *buf) { char *c, *p; if (!buf || !*buf) return true; #define hex(x) \ (((x) <= '9') ? ((x) - '0') : \ (((x) <= 'F') ? ((x) - 'A' + 10) : \ ((x) - 'a' + 10))) for (c = p = buf; *p; c++) { if (*p == '%') { if (!isxdigit(*(p + 1)) || !isxdigit(*(p + 2))) return false; *c = (char)(16 * hex(*(p + 1)) + hex(*(p + 2))); p += 3; } else if (*p == '+') { *c = ' '; p++; } else { *c = *p++; } } *c = 0; return true; } static bool postdecode(char **fields, int n_fields) { char *p; const char *var; static char buf[1024]; int i, len, field, found = 0; var = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE"); if (!var || strncmp(var, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 33)) return false; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if ((len = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1)) > 0) { for (p = buf, i = 0; i <= len; i++) { if (buf[i] == '=') { buf[i] = 0; for (field = 0; field < (n_fields * 2); field += 2) { if (!strcmp(p, fields[field])) { fields[field + 1] = buf + i + 1; found++; } } } else if (buf[i] == '&' || buf[i] == '\0') { buf[i] = 0; if (found >= n_fields) break; p = buf + i + 1; } } } for (field = 0; field < (n_fields * 2); field += 2) if (!urldecode(fields[field + 1])) return false; return (found >= n_fields); } static int response(bool success, const char *message) { char *md5; struct stat s; printf("Status: 200 OK\r\n"); printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n{\n"); if (success) { if (!stat(st.filename, &s) && (md5 = md5sum(st.filename)) != NULL) printf("\t\"size\": %u,\n\t\"checksum\": \"%s\"\n", (unsigned int)s.st_size, md5); } else { if (message) printf("\t\"message\": \"%s\",\n", message); printf("\t\"failure\": [ %u, \"%s\" ]\n", errno, strerror(errno)); if (st.filefd > -1) unlink(st.filename); } printf("}\n"); return -1; } static int failure(int e, const char *message) { printf("Status: 500 Internal Server failure\r\n"); printf("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); printf("%s", message); if (e) printf(": %s", strerror(e)); return -1; } static int filecopy(void) { int len; char buf[4096]; if (!st.filedata) { close(st.tempfd); errno = EINVAL; return response(false, "No file data received"); } if (lseek(st.tempfd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) { close(st.tempfd); return response(false, "Failed to rewind temp file"); } st.filefd = open(st.filename, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0600); if (st.filefd < 0) { close(st.tempfd); return response(false, "Failed to open target file"); } while ((len = read(st.tempfd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { if (write(st.filefd, buf, len) != len) { close(st.tempfd); close(st.filefd); return response(false, "I/O failure while writing target file"); } } close(st.tempfd); close(st.filefd); if (chmod(st.filename, st.filemode)) return response(false, "Failed to chmod target file"); return 0; } static int header_field(multipart_parser *p, const char *data, size_t len) { st.is_content_disposition = !strncasecmp(data, "Content-Disposition", len); return 0; } static int header_value(multipart_parser *p, const char *data, size_t len) { int i, j; if (!st.is_content_disposition) return 0; if (len < 10 || strncasecmp(data, "form-data", 9)) return 0; for (data += 9, len -= 9; *data == ' ' || *data == ';'; data++, len--); if (len < 8 || strncasecmp(data, "name=\"", 6)) return 0; for (data += 6, len -= 6, i = 0; i <= len; i++) { if (*(data + i) != '"') continue; for (j = 1; j < sizeof(parts) / sizeof(parts[0]); j++) if (!strncmp(data, parts[j], i)) st.parttype = j; break; } return 0; } static int data_begin_cb(multipart_parser *p) { char tmpname[24] = "/tmp/luci-upload.XXXXXX"; if (st.parttype == PART_FILEDATA) { if (!st.sessionid) return response(false, "File data without session"); if (!st.filename) return response(false, "File data without name"); st.tempfd = mkstemp(tmpname); if (st.tempfd < 0) return response(false, "Failed to create temporary file"); unlink(tmpname); } return 0; } static int data_cb(multipart_parser *p, const char *data, size_t len) { switch (st.parttype) { case PART_SESSIONID: st.sessionid = datadup(data, len); break; case PART_FILENAME: st.filename = datadup(data, len); break; case PART_FILEMODE: st.filemode = strtoul(data, NULL, 8); break; case PART_FILEDATA: if (write(st.tempfd, data, len) != len) { close(st.tempfd); return response(false, "I/O failure while writing temporary file"); } if (!st.filedata) st.filedata = !!len; break; default: break; } return 0; } static int data_end_cb(multipart_parser *p) { if (st.parttype == PART_SESSIONID) { if (!session_access(st.sessionid, "upload", "write")) { errno = EPERM; return response(false, "Upload permission denied"); } } else if (st.parttype == PART_FILEDATA) { if (st.tempfd < 0) return response(false, "Internal program failure"); #if 0 /* prepare directory */ for (ptr = st.filename; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '/') { *ptr = 0; if (mkdir(st.filename, 0755)) { unlink(st.tmpname); return response(false, "Failed to create destination directory"); } *ptr = '/'; } } #endif if (filecopy()) return -1; return response(true, NULL); } st.parttype = PART_UNKNOWN; return 0; } static multipart_parser * init_parser(void) { char *boundary; const char *var; multipart_parser *p; static multipart_parser_settings s = { .on_part_data = data_cb, .on_headers_complete = data_begin_cb, .on_part_data_end = data_end_cb, .on_header_field = header_field, .on_header_value = header_value }; var = getenv("CONTENT_TYPE"); if (!var || strncmp(var, "multipart/form-data;", 20)) return NULL; for (var += 20; *var && *var != '='; var++); if (*var++ != '=') return NULL; boundary = malloc(strlen(var) + 3); if (!boundary) return NULL; strcpy(boundary, "--"); strcpy(boundary + 2, var); st.tempfd = -1; st.filefd = -1; st.filemode = 0600; p = multipart_parser_init(boundary, &s); free(boundary); return p; } static int main_upload(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rem, len; char buf[4096]; multipart_parser *p; p = init_parser(); if (!p) { errno = EINVAL; return response(false, "Invalid request"); } while ((len = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { rem = multipart_parser_execute(p, buf, len); if (rem < len) break; } multipart_parser_free(p); /* read remaining post data */ while ((len = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0); return 0; } static int main_backup(int argc, char **argv) { pid_t pid; time_t now; int len; int fds[2]; char buf[4096]; char datestr[16] = { 0 }; char hostname[64] = { 0 }; char *fields[] = { "sessionid", NULL }; if (!postdecode(fields, 1) || !session_access(fields[1], "backup", "read")) return failure(0, "Backup permission denied"); if (pipe(fds)) return failure(errno, "Failed to spawn pipe"); switch ((pid = fork())) { case -1: return failure(errno, "Failed to fork process"); case 0: dup2(fds[1], 1); close(0); close(2); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); chdir("/"); execl("/sbin/sysupgrade", "/sbin/sysupgrade", "--create-backup", "-", NULL); return -1; default: now = time(NULL); strftime(datestr, sizeof(datestr) - 1, "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(&now)); if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname) - 1)) sprintf(hostname, "OpenWrt"); printf("Status: 200 OK\r\n"); printf("Content-Type: application/x-targz\r\n"); printf("Content-Disposition: attachment; " "filename=\"backup-%s-%s.tar.gz\"\r\n\r\n", hostname, datestr); while ((len = read(fds[0], buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) fwrite(buf, len, 1, stdout); waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); return 0; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (strstr(argv[0], "cgi-upload")) return main_upload(argc, argv); else if (strstr(argv[0], "cgi-backup")) return main_backup(argc, argv); return -1; }