ELFwp4( 0CIPHER - The selected feature is not availableCIPHER - Bad input parametersCIPHER - Failed to allocate memoryCIPHER - Input data contains invalid padding and is rejectedCIPHER - Decryption of block requires a full blockCIPHER - Authentication failed (for AEAD modes)CIPHER - The context is invalid. For example, because it was freedCIPHER - Cipher hardware accelerator failedDHM - Bad input parametersDHM - Reading of the DHM parameters failedDHM - Making of the DHM parameters failedDHM - Reading of the public values failedDHM - Making of the public value failedDHM - Calculation of the DHM secret failedDHM - The ASN.1 data is not formatted correctlyDHM - Allocation of memory failedDHM - Read or write of file failedDHM - DHM hardware accelerator failedDHM - Setting the modulus and generator failedECP - Bad input parameters to functionECP - The buffer is too small to write toECP - Requested curve not availableECP - The signature is not validECP - Memory allocation failedECP - Generation of random value, such as (ephemeral) key, failedECP - Invalid private or public keyECP - The buffer contains a valid signature followed by more dataECP - ECP hardware accelerator failedMD - The selected feature is not availableMD - Bad input parameters to functionMD - Failed to allocate memoryMD - Opening or reading of file failedMD - MD hardware accelerator failedPEM - No PEM header or footer foundPEM - PEM string is not as expectedPEM - Failed to allocate memoryPEM - RSA IV is not in hex-formatPEM - Unsupported key encryption algorithmPEM - Private key password can't be emptyPEM - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryptionPEM - Unavailable feature, e.g. hashing/encryption combinationPEM - Bad input parameters to functionPK - Memory allocation failedPK - Type mismatch, eg attempt to encrypt with an ECDSA keyPK - Bad input parameters to functionPK - Read/write of file failedPK - Unsupported key versionPK - Invalid key tag or valuePK - Key algorithm is unsupported (only RSA and EC are supported)PK - Private key password can't be emptyPK - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryptionPK - The pubkey tag or value is invalid (only RSA and EC are supported)PK - The algorithm tag or value is invalidPK - Elliptic curve is unsupported (only NIST curves are supported)PK - Unavailable feature, e.g. RSA disabled for RSA keyPK - The buffer contains a valid signature followed by more dataPK - PK hardware accelerator failedPKCS12 - Bad input parameters to functionPKCS12 - Feature not available, e.g. unsupported encryption schemePKCS12 - PBE ASN.1 data not as expectedPKCS12 - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryptionPKCS5 - Bad input parameters to functionPKCS5 - Unexpected ASN.1 dataPKCS5 - Requested encryption or digest alg not availablePKCS5 - Given private key password does not allow for correct decryptionRSA - Bad input parameters to functionRSA - Input data contains invalid padding and is rejectedRSA - Something failed during generation of a keyRSA - Key failed to pass the validity check of the libraryRSA - The public key operation failedRSA - The private key operation failedRSA - The PKCS#1 verification failedRSA - The output buffer for decryption is not large enoughRSA - The random generator failed to generate non-zerosRSA - The implementation does not offer the requested operation, for example, because of security violations or lack of functionalityRSA - RSA hardware accelerator failedSSL - The requested feature is not availableSSL - Bad input parameters to functionSSL - Verification of the message MAC failedSSL - An invalid SSL record was receivedSSL - The connection indicated an EOFSSL - An unknown cipher was receivedSSL - The server has no ciphersuites in common with the clientSSL - No RNG was provided to the SSL moduleSSL - No client certification received from the client, but required by the authentication modeSSL - Our own certificate(s) is/are too large to send in an SSL messageSSL - The own certificate is not set, but needed by the serverSSL - The own private key or pre-shared key is not set, but neededSSL - No CA Chain is set, but required to operateSSL - An unexpected message was received from our peerSSL - A fatal alert message was received from our peerSSL - Verification of our peer failedSSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closedSSL - Processing of the ClientHello handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the ServerHello handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the Certificate handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the CertificateRequest handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the ServerKeyExchange handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the ServerHelloDone handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failed in DHM / ECDH Read PublicSSL - Processing of the ClientKeyExchange handshake message failed in DHM / ECDH Calculate SecretSSL - Processing of the CertificateVerify handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the ChangeCipherSpec handshake message failedSSL - Processing of the Finished handshake message failedSSL - Memory allocation failedSSL - Hardware acceleration function returned with errorSSL - Hardware acceleration function skipped / left alone dataSSL - Processing of the compression / decompression failedSSL - Handshake protocol not within min/max boundariesSSL - Processing of the NewSessionTicket handshake message failedSSL - Session ticket has expiredSSL - Public key type mismatch (eg, asked for RSA key exchange and presented EC key)SSL - Unknown identity received (eg, PSK identity)SSL - Internal error (eg, unexpected failure in lower-level module)SSL - A counter would wrap (eg, too many messages exchanged)SSL - Unexpected message at ServerHello in renegotiationSSL - DTLS client must retry for hello verificationSSL - A buffer is too small to receive or write a messageSSL - None of the common ciphersuites is usable (eg, no suitable certificate, see debug messages)SSL - Connection requires a read callSSL - Connection requires a write callSSL - The operation timed outSSL - The client initiated a reconnect from the same portSSL - Record header looks valid but is not expectedSSL - The alert message received indicates a non-fatal errorSSL - Couldn't set the hash for verifying CertificateVerifyX509 - Unavailable feature, e.g. RSA hashing/encryption combinationX509 - Requested OID is unknownX509 - The CRT/CRL/CSR format is invalid, e.g. different type expectedX509 - The CRT/CRL/CSR version element is invalidX509 - The serial tag or value is invalidX509 - The algorithm tag or value is invalidX509 - The name tag or value is invalidX509 - The date tag or value is invalidX509 - The signature tag or value invalidX509 - The extension tag or value is invalidX509 - CRT/CRL/CSR has an unsupported version numberX509 - Signature algorithm (oid) is unsupportedX509 - Signature algorithms do not match. (see \c ::mbedtls_x509_crt sig_oid)X509 - Certificate verification failed, e.g. CRL, CA or signature check failedX509 - Format not recognized as DER or PEMX509 - Input invalidX509 - Allocation of memory failedX509 - Read/write of file failedX509 - Destination buffer is too smallX509 - A fatal error occured, eg the chain is too long or the vrfy callback failedUNKNOWN ERROR CODE (%04X) : AES - Invalid key lengthAES - Invalid data input lengthAES - Feature not available. For example, an unsupported AES key sizeAES - AES hardware accelerator failedARC4 - ARC4 hardware accelerator failedASN1 - Out of data when parsing an ASN1 data structureASN1 - ASN1 tag was of an unexpected valueASN1 - Error when trying to determine the length or invalid lengthASN1 - Actual length differs from expected lengthASN1 - Data is invalid. (not used)ASN1 - Memory allocation failedASN1 - Buffer too small when writing ASN.1 data structureBASE64 - Output buffer too smallBASE64 - Invalid character in inputBIGNUM - An error occurred while reading from or writing to a fileBIGNUM - Bad input parameters to functionBIGNUM - There is an invalid character in the digit stringBIGNUM - The buffer is too small to write toBIGNUM - The input arguments are negative or result in illegal outputBIGNUM - The input argument for division is zero, which is not allowedBIGNUM - The input arguments are not acceptableBIGNUM - Memory allocation failedBLOWFISH - Invalid key lengthBLOWFISH - Blowfish hardware accelerator failedBLOWFISH - Invalid data input lengthCTR_DRBG - The entropy source failedCTR_DRBG - The requested random buffer length is too bigCTR_DRBG - The input (entropy + additional data) is too largeCTR_DRBG - Read or write error in fileENTROPY - Critical entropy source failureENTROPY - No more sources can be addedENTROPY - No sources have been added to pollENTROPY - No strong sources have been added to pollENTROPY - Read/write error in fileGCM - Authenticated decryption failedGCM - GCM hardware accelerator failedGCM - Bad input parameters to functionMD5 - MD5 hardware accelerator failedNET - Failed to open a socketNET - The connection to the given server / port failedNET - Binding of the socket failedNET - Could not listen on the socketNET - Could not accept the incoming connectionNET - Reading information from the socket failedNET - Sending information through the socket failedNET - Connection was reset by peerNET - Failed to get an IP address for the given hostnameNET - Buffer is too small to hold the dataNET - The context is invalid, eg because it was free()edOID - OID is not foundOID - output buffer is too smallPADLOCK - Input data should be alignedSHA1 - SHA-1 hardware accelerator failedSHA256 - SHA-256 hardware accelerator failedSHA512 - SHA-512 hardware accelerator failed<'!'Я$!( !,(!@ !*p !#P 2p$`$a$a$b$b$c$cB$d7$0.$1$$1$2$2$3$3?$45$4+$5!$5$O $O$N$N$M叆$Mۏ$Lя$LǏ$K$P$Q$Q$R$R$$w$m$c$Y$O$E$;$1$?'$?$>$> $=$=$<돆$<Ꮖ$;׏$;͏$:Ï$:$9$9$8$$$}$s$/i$/_$.U$.K$@A$A7$A-$B#$B$C$C$D$D$E珆$Eݏ$pӏ$qɏ$q$r$r$s$s$t$t$uy$uo$ve$v[$wQ$w0$x$xw$yn$y돆$zᏆ$z${͏${Ï$|$|$}$}$~$~$|$q$of$o[$nP$n$m$m$l$l$k$ky$jn$jc$iX$iM$hB$h7$g,$g!$f$f $ $!$!$"$"$#$#$$$$$%$%$&$&|$'q$'f$($($)$)$0B@ <8!$ (! @ !<$Bb$ @ !@!@$ ?$"M$#C$%L$$`_$bT$dI$f$h$j$l$*$,$$$$$ $ $$$y$n$c$4X$6M$8B$:7$<,$>!$@$= $?$$$$/$B$D$F$H$J$L$N$P|$Rq$Cf$E[$.P$ J$0D$5>$78$9-B@,(8! 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