/* $Id: upnpglobalvars.c,v 1.40 2016/02/09 09:37:44 nanard Exp $ */ /* MiniUPnP project * http://miniupnp.free.fr/ or http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/ * (c) 2006-2016 Thomas Bernard * This software is subject to the conditions detailed * in the LICENCE file provided within the distribution */ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "upnpglobalvars.h" #include "upnpdescstrings.h" /* network interface for internet */ const char * ext_if_name = 0; /* file to store leases */ #ifdef ENABLE_LEASEFILE const char* lease_file = 0; #endif /* forced ip address to use for this interface * when NULL, getifaddr() is used */ const char * use_ext_ip_addr = 0; unsigned long downstream_bitrate = 0; unsigned long upstream_bitrate = 0; /* startup time */ time_t startup_time = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_PCP /* for PCP */ unsigned long int min_lifetime = 120; unsigned long int max_lifetime = 86400; #endif int runtime_flags = 0; const char * pidfilename = "/var/run/miniupnpd.pid"; char uuidvalue_igd[] = "uuid:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; char uuidvalue_wan[] = "uuid:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; char uuidvalue_wcd[] = "uuid:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"; char serialnumber[SERIALNUMBER_MAX_LEN] = "00000000"; char modelnumber[MODELNUMBER_MAX_LEN] = "1"; /* presentation url : * http://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:ppppp/ => max 30 bytes including terminating 0 */ char presentationurl[PRESENTATIONURL_MAX_LEN]; #ifdef ENABLE_MANUFACTURER_INFO_CONFIGURATION /* friendly name for root devices in XML description */ char friendly_name[FRIENDLY_NAME_MAX_LEN] = OS_NAME " router"; /* manufacturer name for root devices in XML description */ char manufacturer_name[MANUFACTURER_NAME_MAX_LEN] = ROOTDEV_MANUFACTURER; /* manufacturer url for root devices in XML description */ char manufacturer_url[MANUFACTURER_URL_MAX_LEN] = ROOTDEV_MANUFACTURERURL; /* model name for root devices in XML description */ char model_name[MODEL_NAME_MAX_LEN] = ROOTDEV_MODELNAME; /* model description for root devices in XML description */ char model_description[MODEL_DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN] = ROOTDEV_MODELDESCRIPTION; /* model url for root devices in XML description */ char model_url[MODEL_URL_MAX_LEN] = ROOTDEV_MODELURL; #endif /* UPnP permission rules : */ struct upnpperm * upnppermlist = 0; unsigned int num_upnpperm = 0; #ifdef PCP_SADSCP struct dscp_values* dscp_values_list = 0; unsigned int num_dscp_values = 0; #endif /*PCP_SADSCP*/ /* For automatic removal of expired rules (with LeaseDuration) */ unsigned int nextruletoclean_timestamp = 0; #ifdef USE_PF /* "rdr-anchor miniupnpd" or/and "anchor miniupnpd" in pf.conf */ const char * anchor_name = "miniupnpd"; const char * queue = 0; const char * tag = 0; #endif #ifdef USE_NETFILTER /* chain names to use in the nat and filter tables. */ /* iptables -t nat -N MINIUPNPD * iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i -j MINIUPNPD */ const char * miniupnpd_nat_chain = "MINIUPNPD"; /* iptables -t nat -N MINIUPNPD-POSTROUTING * iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o -j MINIUPNPD-POSTROUTING */ const char * miniupnpd_nat_postrouting_chain = "MINIUPNPD-POSTROUTING"; /* iptables -t filter -N MINIUPNPD * iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -i ! -o -j MINIUPNPD */ const char * miniupnpd_forward_chain = "MINIUPNPD"; #ifdef ENABLE_UPNPPINHOLE /* ip6tables -t filter -N MINIUPNPD * ip6tables -t filter -A FORWARD -i ! -o -j MINIUPNPD */ const char * miniupnpd_v6_filter_chain = "MINIUPNPD"; #endif /* ENABLE_UPNPPINHOLE */ #endif /* USE_NETFILTER */ #ifdef ENABLE_NFQUEUE int nfqueue = -1; int n_nfqix = 0; unsigned nfqix[MAX_LAN_ADDR]; #endif /* ENABLE_NFQUEUE */ struct lan_addr_list lan_addrs; #ifdef ENABLE_IPV6 /* ipv6 address used for HTTP */ char ipv6_addr_for_http_with_brackets[64]; /* address used to bind local services */ struct in6_addr ipv6_bind_addr; #endif /* Path of the Unix socket used to communicate with MiniSSDPd */ const char * minissdpdsocketpath = "/var/run/minissdpd.sock"; /* BOOTID.UPNP.ORG and CONFIGID.UPNP.ORG */ /* See UPnP Device Architecture v1.1 section 1.2 Advertisement : * The field value of the BOOTID.UPNP.ORG header field MUST be increased * each time a device (re)joins the network and sends an initial announce * (a "reboot" in UPnP terms), or adds a UPnP-enabled interface. * Unless the device explicitly announces a change in the BOOTID.UPNP.ORG * field value using an SSDP message, as long as the device remains * continuously available in the network, the same BOOTID.UPNP.ORG field * value MUST be used in all repeat announcements, search responses, * update messages and eventually bye-bye messages. */ unsigned int upnp_bootid = 1; /* BOOTID.UPNP.ORG */ /* The field value of the CONFIGID.UPNP.ORG header field identifies the * current set of device and service descriptions; control points can * parse this header field to detect whether they need to send new * description query messages. */ /* UPnP 1.1 devices MAY freely assign configid numbers from 0 to * 16777215 (2^24-1). Higher numbers are reserved for future use, and * can be assigned by the Technical Committee. The configuration of a * root device consists of the following information: the DDD of the * root device and all its embedded devices, and the SCPDs of all the * contained services. If any part of the configuration changes, the * CONFIGID.UPNP.ORG field value MUST be changed. * DDD = Device Description Document * SCPD = Service Control Protocol Description */ unsigned int upnp_configid = 1337; /* CONFIGID.UPNP.ORG */