#!/bin/sh . ../support/simple_eval_tools.sh HEADER snmpv1 traps are sent by snmpd without notification mib support SKIPIFNOT USING_EXAMPLES_EXAMPLE_MODULE # # Begin test # # standard V1 configuration: testcommunity . ./Sv3config CONFIGAGENT trapsink ${SNMP_TRANSPORT_SPEC}:${SNMP_TEST_DEST}${SNMP_SNMPTRAPD_PORT} public CONFIGTRAPD authcommunity log public CONFIGTRAPD agentxsocket /dev/null STARTTRAPD # initialize only the example mib, and not the notification mib stuff AGENT_FLAGS="$AGENT_FLAGS -Dexample,header_generic,add_trap,mib_init,callback -I example,usmUser,usmConf,vacm_vars" STARTAGENT CAPTURE "snmpset -On $SNMP_FLAGS $AUTHTESTARGS $SNMP_TRANSPORT_SPEC:$SNMP_TEST_DEST$SNMP_SNMPD_PORT . i 1" STOPAGENT STOPTRAPD CHECKTRAPD "Enterprise Specific Trap (99)" FINISHED