
. STlsVars

# create a CA

CAPTURE $NSCERT genca --cn ca-net-snmp.org  $NSCERTARGS
CAFP=`$NSCERT showcas --fingerprint --brief ca-net-snmp.org $NSCERTARGS`
CHECKVALUEISNT "$CAFP" "" "generated fingerprint for ca-net-snmp.org certificate"

# create a server certificate using the CA certificate
CAPTURE $NSCERT gencert -t snmpd --with-ca ca-net-snmp.org $checknametype ${checknameprefix}a.b.example.com $NSCERTARGS
SNMPDFP=`$NSCERT showcert --fingerprint --brief snmpd $NSCERTARGS`

CONFIGAGENT '[snmp]' serverCert $SNMPDFP

# create a user certificate
CAPTURE $NSCERT gencert -t snmpapp --cn 'testuser'  $NSCERTARGS
TESTUSERFP=`$NSCERT showcerts --fingerprint --brief snmpapp $NSCERTARGS`
CHECKVALUEISNT "$TESTUSERFP" "" "generated fingerprint for testuser certificate"

CONFIGAGENT  certSecName 10  $TESTUSERFP     --cn
CONFIGAGENT  rwuser -s tsm testuser authpriv


# start the agent up

# start up the agent

# Positive tests
#    (should work)

# ensure we can access it via a direct FP check
DOSETTEST fingerprintIdentity "-T their_identity=$SNMPDFP $FLAGS"

# ensure we can access it via a file based identity check
DOSETTEST filenameIdentity "-T their_identity=snmpd $FLAGS"

# ensure we can access it via trusting their CA certificate and a
# matching commoname 
DOSETTEST hostnameIdentity "-T trust_cert=$CAFP -T their_hostname=a.b.example.com $FLAGS"

# Negative tests
#    (should fail)

# if we don't load the CA certificate we shouldn't connect
DOFAILSETTEST noTrustCACert  "-T their_hostname=a.b.example.com $FLAGS"

# if we specify a different hostname we should fail hostname test
# ("localhos" without the "t" is intentional here)
DOFAILSETTEST incorrectNameA.B.Example.Co  "-T their_hostname=a.b.example.co $FLAGS"
DOFAILSETTEST incorrectNameA.B.Example.Comt  "-T their_hostname=a.b.example.comt $FLAGS"

# if we specify the CA cert's but don't specify the hostname, it
# should fail (this may change in the future if we pull the hostname
# from the transport specifier)
DOFAILSETTEST certWithoutHost  "-T trust_cert=$CAFP $FLAGS"

# Wildcard tests
DOSETTEST wildcardMatch "-T trust_cert=$CAFP -T their_hostname=*.b.example.com $FLAGS"

DOFAILSETTEST noDoubleWildcard "-T trust_cert=$CAFP -T their_hostname=*.example.com $FLAGS"
