#!/bin/sh . STlsVars # this is usually something like "localhost:", so we need to strip the : OURHOST=`echo $SNMP_TEST_DEST | sed 's/:.*//'` # create a CA CAPTURE $NSCERT genca --cn ca-net-snmp.org $NSCERTARGS CAFP=`$NSCERT showcas --fingerprint --brief ca-net-snmp.org $NSCERTARGS` CHECKVALUEISNT "$CAFP" "" "generated fingerprint for ca-net-snmp.org certificate" # create a server certificate using the CA certificate CAPTURE $NSCERT gencert -t snmpd --with-ca ca-net-snmp.org $checknametype ${checknameprefix}$OURHOST $NSCERTARGS SNMPDFP=`$NSCERT showcert --fingerprint --brief snmpd $NSCERTARGS` CONFIGAGENT '[snmp]' serverCert $SNMPDFP # create a user certificate CAPTURE $NSCERT gencert -t snmpapp --cn 'testuser' $NSCERTARGS TESTUSERFP=`$NSCERT showcerts --fingerprint --brief snmpapp $NSCERTARGS` CHECKVALUEISNT "$TESTUSERFP" "" "generated fingerprint for testuser certificate" CONFIGAGENT certSecName 10 $TESTUSERFP --cn CONFIGAGENT rwuser -s tsm testuser authpriv CONFIGAPP clientCert $TESTUSERFP # start the agent up FLAGS="-On $SNMP_FLAGS $SNMP_TRANSPORT_SPEC:$SNMP_TEST_DEST$SNMP_SNMPD_PORT" # start up the agent STARTAGENT ######################################## # Positive tests # (should work) # ensure we can access it via a direct FP check DOSETTEST fingerprintIdentity "-T their_identity=$SNMPDFP $FLAGS" # directly specify the host name DOSETTEST hostnameIdentity "-T trust_cert=$CAFP -T their_hostname=$OURHOST $FLAGS" # This should also work because we: # - trust the CA cert # - use a session destname that matches the certificate DOSETTEST sessionnameIdentity "-T trust_cert=$CAFP $FLAGS" ######################################## # DONE #sleep 500 STOPAGENT FINISHED