/* HEADER Testing snmp_enum */ #define CONFIG_TYPE "snmp-enum-unit-test" #define STRING1 "life, and everything" #define STRING2 "restaurant at the end of the universe" #define STRING3 "label3" #define LONG_STRING "a-string-of-255-characters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" #define STORE_AND_COMPARE(maj, min, s) \ { \ FILE *fp; \ int read = 0; \ char *p, contents[4096]; \ \ se_store_list(maj, min, CONFIG_TYPE); \ fp = fopen(tmp_persist_file, "r"); \ if (fp) { \ read = fread(contents, 1, sizeof(contents) - 1, fp); \ fclose(fp); \ } \ contents[read > 0 ? read : 0] = '\0'; \ for (p = contents; *p; ++p) \ if (*p == '\n') \ *p = '|'; \ OKF(strcmp(contents, (s)) == 0, \ ("stored list %s <> %s", (s), contents)); \ remove(tmp_persist_file); \ } char tmp_persist_file[256]; char *se_find_result; sprintf(tmp_persist_file, "/tmp/snmp-enum-unit-test-%d", getpid()); netsnmp_setenv("SNMP_PERSISTENT_FILE", tmp_persist_file, 1); init_snmp_enum("snmp"); STORE_AND_COMPARE(1, 1, "enum 1:1|"); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup("hi"), 1); STORE_AND_COMPARE(1, 1, "enum 1:1 1:hi|"); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup("there"), 2); STORE_AND_COMPARE(1, 1, "enum 1:1 1:hi 2:there|"); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup(LONG_STRING), 3); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup(LONG_STRING), 4); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup(LONG_STRING), 5); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup(LONG_STRING), 6); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup(LONG_STRING), 7); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup(LONG_STRING), 8); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup(LONG_STRING), 9); STORE_AND_COMPARE(1, 1, "enum 1:1 1:hi 2:there 3:" LONG_STRING " 4:" LONG_STRING " 5:" LONG_STRING " 6:" LONG_STRING " 7:" LONG_STRING " 8:" LONG_STRING " 9:" LONG_STRING "|"); se_add_pair(1, 1, strdup(LONG_STRING), 10); STORE_AND_COMPARE(1, 1, "enum 1:1 1:hi 2:there 3:" LONG_STRING " 4:" LONG_STRING " 5:" LONG_STRING " 6:" LONG_STRING " 7:" LONG_STRING " 8:" LONG_STRING " 9:" LONG_STRING "|" "enum 1:1 10:" LONG_STRING "|"); OK(se_find_value(1, 1, "hi") == 1, "lookup by number #1 should be the proper string"); OK(strcmp(se_find_label(1, 1, 2), "there") == 0, "lookup by string #1 should be the proper number"); se_add_pair_to_slist("testing", strdup(STRING1), 42); se_add_pair_to_slist("testing", strdup(STRING2), 2); se_add_pair_to_slist("testing", strdup(STRING3), 2); OK(se_find_value_in_slist("testing", STRING1) == 42, "lookup by number should be the proper string"); OK(strcmp(se_find_label_in_slist("testing", 2), STRING2) == 0, "lookup by string should be the proper number"); se_clear_slist("testing"); se_read_conf("enum", NETSNMP_REMOVE_CONST(char *, "2:3 1:apple 2:pear 3:kiwifruit")); OK(se_find_list(2, 3), "list (2, 3) should be present"); if (se_find_list(2, 3)) { OK(se_find_value(2, 3, "kiwifruit") == 3, "lookup by string should return the proper value"); se_find_result = se_find_label(2, 3, 2); OK(se_find_result && strcmp(se_find_result, "pear") == 0, "lookup by label should return the proper string"); } se_read_conf("enum", NETSNMP_REMOVE_CONST(char *, "fruit 1:apple 2:pear 3:kiwifruit")); OK(se_find_value_in_slist("fruit", "kiwifruit") == 3, "lookup by string should return the proper value"); se_find_result = se_find_label_in_slist("fruit", 2); OK(se_find_result && strcmp(se_find_result, "pear") == 0, "lookup by value should return the proper string"); clear_snmp_enum(); unregister_all_config_handlers();