/* HEADER PDU building */ SOCK_STARTUP; netsnmp_pdu *pdu; u_char *packet; size_t packet_len, offset = 0; netsnmp_session session, *ss; int rc; /* prototype copied from snmp_api.c */ int snmp_build(u_char ** pkt, size_t * pkt_len, size_t * offset, netsnmp_session * pss, netsnmp_pdu *pdu); init_snmp("testing"); snmp_sess_init(&session); session.version = SNMP_VERSION_2c; session.peername = strdup("udp:"); /* we won't actually connect */ session.community = (u_char *) strdup("bogus"); session.community_len = strlen((char *) session.community); ss = snmp_open(&session); OKF((ss != NULL), ("Creating a session failed")); if (ss == NULL) snmp_perror("ack"); packet_len = 4096; packet = malloc(packet_len); pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); pdu->version = session.version; OKF((pdu != NULL), ("Creating a GET PDU failed")); rc = snmp_build(&packet, &packet_len, &offset, ss, pdu); #ifndef NETSNMP_NOTIFY_ONLY OKF((rc == SNMPERR_SUCCESS), ("Building a GET PDU/packet should have worked: %d", rc)); #else /* NETSNMP_NOTIFY_ONLY */ OKF((rc != SNMPERR_SUCCESS), ("Building a GET PDU/packet should have failed: %d", rc)); #endif /* NETSNMP_NOTIFY_ONLY */ offset = 0; pdu->command = 163; /* a SET message */ rc = snmp_build(&packet, &packet_len, &offset, ss, pdu); #ifndef NETSNMP_NO_WRITE_SUPPORT OKF((rc == SNMPERR_SUCCESS), ("Building a SET PDU/packet should have succeeded: %d", rc)); #else /* NETSNMP_NO_WRITE_SUPPORT */ OKF((rc != SNMPERR_SUCCESS), ("Building a SET PDU/packet should have failed: %d", rc)); #endif /* NETSNMP_NO_WRITE_SUPPORT */ offset = 0; pdu->command = SNMP_MSG_INFORM; rc = snmp_build(&packet, &packet_len, &offset, ss, pdu); OKF((rc == SNMPERR_SUCCESS), ("Building an INFORM PDU/packet should have succeed: %d", rc)); SOCK_CLEANUP;