Summary: p910nd is a small daemon that copies any data received to the corresponding printer port. Name: p910nd Version: 0.96 Release: 1 URL: Vendor: Ken Yap License: GPL v2 Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildArchitectures: i386 x86_64 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build Group: Networking %description p910nd implements the port 9100 network printer protocol which simply copies any incoming data on the port to the printer (and in the reverse direction, if bidirectional mode is selected). Both parallel and USB printers are supported. This protocol was used in HP's printers and is called JetDirect (probably TM). p910nd is particularly useful for diskless hosts and embedded devices because it does not require any disk space for spooling as this is done at the sending host. %pre %prep rm -fr %{buildroot} %setup -n p910nd-%{version} %build make %install %makeinstall %post insserv /etc/init.d/p910nd %preun insserv -r /etc/init.d/p910nd %postun %clean rm -fr %{buildroot} %files %defattr(755, root, root) /etc/sysconfig/p910nd /etc/init.d/p910nd /usr/sbin/p910nd %{_mandir}/man8/p910nd.8.gz %changelog * Fri Jan 04 2008 Ken Yap - 0.92: First spec file * Mon Feb 09 2009 Ken Yap - 0.93: Fix up open with mode for call with O_CREAT * Thu Jan 09 2014 Ken Yap - 0.96: Logging messages to stdout for debugging with -d, bidirectional buffer handling fixes * Thu Jan 16 2014 Ken Yap - 0.97: Wait until printer has received all data before closing job as USB printer driver is asynchronous in recent kernels