# # pppd makefile for Linux # $Id: Makefile.linux,v 1.70 2007/06/19 02:08:34 carlsonj Exp $ # # Default installation locations DESTDIR = $(INSTROOT)/usr BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)/sbin MANDIR = $(DESTDIR)/share/man/man8 INCDIR = $(DESTDIR)/include TARGETS = pppd PPPDSRCS = main.c magic.c fsm.c lcp.c ipcp.c upap.c chap-new.c md5.c ccp.c \ ecp.c ipxcp.c auth.c options.c sys-linux.c md4.c chap_ms.c \ demand.c utils.c tty.c eap.c chap-md5.c session.c HEADERS = ccp.h session.h chap-new.h ecp.h fsm.h ipcp.h \ ipxcp.h lcp.h magic.h md5.h patchlevel.h pathnames.h pppd.h \ upap.h eap.h MANPAGES = pppd.8 PPPDOBJS = main.o magic.o fsm.o lcp.o ipcp.o upap.o chap-new.o md5.o ccp.o \ ecp.o auth.o options.o demand.o utils.o sys-linux.o ipxcp.o tty.o \ eap.o chap-md5.o session.o # # include dependencies if present ifeq (.depend,$(wildcard .depend)) include .depend endif # CC = gcc # COPTS = -O2 -pipe -Wall -g LIBS = # Uncomment the next 2 lines to include support for Microsoft's # MS-CHAP authentication protocol. Also, edit plugins/radius/Makefile.linux. CHAPMS=y USE_CRYPT=y # Don't use MSLANMAN unless you really know what you're doing. #MSLANMAN=y # Uncomment the next line to include support for MPPE. CHAPMS (above) must # also be enabled. Also, edit plugins/radius/Makefile.linux. MPPE=y # Uncomment the next line to include support for PPP packet filtering. # This requires that the libpcap library and headers be installed # and that the kernel driver support PPP packet filtering. #FILTER=y # Support for precompiled filters PRECOMPILED_FILTER=y # Uncomment the next line to enable multilink PPP (enabled by default) # Linux distributions: Please leave multilink ENABLED in your builds # of pppd! HAVE_MULTILINK=y # Uncomment the next line to enable the TDB database (enabled by default.) # If you enable multilink, then TDB is automatically enabled also. # Linux distributions: Please leave TDB ENABLED in your builds. #USE_TDB=y HAS_SHADOW=y #USE_PAM=y HAVE_INET6=y # Enable plugins PLUGIN=y # Enable Microsoft proprietary Callback Control Protocol #CBCP=y # Enable EAP SRP-SHA1 authentication (requires libsrp) #USE_SRP=y # Use libutil USE_LIBUTIL=y MAXOCTETS=y INCLUDE_DIRS= -I../include COMPILE_FLAGS= -DHAVE_PATHS_H -DHAVE_MMAP CFLAGS= $(COPTS) $(COMPILE_FLAGS) $(INCLUDE_DIRS) '-DDESTDIR="/usr"' ifdef CHAPMS CFLAGS += -DCHAPMS=1 NEEDDES=y PPPDOBJS += md4.o chap_ms.o HEADERS += md4.h chap_ms.h ifdef MSLANMAN CFLAGS += -DMSLANMAN=1 endif ifdef MPPE CFLAGS += -DMPPE=1 endif endif # EAP SRP-SHA1 ifdef USE_SRP CFLAGS += -DUSE_SRP -DOPENSSL -I/usr/local/ssl/include LIBS += -lsrp -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -lcrypto TARGETS += srp-entry EXTRAINSTALL = $(INSTALL) -c -m 555 srp-entry $(BINDIR)/srp-entry MANPAGES += srp-entry.8 EXTRACLEAN += srp-entry.o NEEDDES=y else # OpenSSL has an integrated version of SHA-1, and its implementation # is incompatible with this local SHA-1 implementation. We must use # one or the other, not both. PPPDSRCS += sha1.c HEADERS += sha1.h PPPDOBJS += sha1.o endif ifdef HAS_SHADOW CFLAGS += -DHAS_SHADOW #LIBS += -lshadow $(LIBS) endif #ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/include/crypt.h),) CFLAGS += -DHAVE_CRYPT_H=1 LIBS += -lcrypt #endif ifdef USE_LIBUTIL CFLAGS += -DHAVE_LOGWTMP=1 LIBS += -lutil endif ifdef NEEDDES ifndef USE_CRYPT LIBS += -ldes $(LIBS) else CFLAGS += -DUSE_CRYPT=1 endif PPPDOBJS += pppcrypt.o HEADERS += pppcrypt.h endif # For "Pluggable Authentication Modules", see ftp.redhat.com:/pub/pam/. ifdef USE_PAM CFLAGS += -DUSE_PAM LIBS += -lpam -ldl endif # Multi-linnk ifdef HAVE_MULTILINK # Multilink implies the use of TDB USE_TDB=y CFLAGS += -DHAVE_MULTILINK PPPDSRCS += multilink.c PPPDOBJS += multilink.o endif # TDB ifdef USE_TDB CFLAGS += -DUSE_TDB=1 PPPDSRCS += tdb.c spinlock.c PPPDOBJS += tdb.o spinlock.o HEADERS += tdb.h spinlock.h endif # Lock library binary for Linux is included in 'linux' subdirectory. ifdef LOCKLIB LIBS += -llock CFLAGS += -DLOCKLIB=1 endif ifdef PLUGIN CFLAGS += -DPLUGIN LDFLAGS += -Wl,-E LIBS += -ldl endif ifdef FILTER ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/include/pcap-bpf.h),) LIBS += -lpcap -L$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib CFLAGS += -DPPP_FILTER -I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include endif endif ifdef PRECOMPILED_FILTER PPPDSRCS += pcap_pcc.c HEADERS += pcap_pcc.h PPPDOBJS += pcap_pcc.o LIBS += $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libpcap.a CFLAGS += -DPPP_FILTER -DPPP_PRECOMPILED_FILTER -I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include endif ifdef HAVE_INET6 PPPDSRCS += ipv6cp.c eui64.c HEADERS += ipv6cp.h eui64.h PPPDOBJS += ipv6cp.o eui64.o CFLAGS += -DINET6=1 endif ifdef CBCP PPPDSRCS += cbcp.c PPPDOBJS += cbcp.o CFLAGS += -DCBCP_SUPPORT HEADERS += cbcp.h endif ifdef MAXOCTETS CFLAGS += -DMAXOCTETS endif INSTALL= install all: $(TARGETS) install: pppd mkdir -p $(BINDIR) $(MANDIR) $(EXTRAINSTALL) $(INSTALL) -c -m 555 pppd $(BINDIR)/pppd if chgrp pppusers $(BINDIR)/pppd 2>/dev/null; then \ chmod o-rx,u+s $(BINDIR)/pppd; fi $(INSTALL) -c -m 444 pppd.8 $(MANDIR) pppd: $(PPPDOBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o pppd $(PPPDOBJS) $(LIBS) srp-entry: srp-entry.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ srp-entry.c $(LIBS) install-devel: mkdir -p $(INCDIR)/pppd $(INSTALL) -c -m 644 $(HEADERS) $(INCDIR)/pppd clean: rm -f $(PPPDOBJS) $(EXTRACLEAN) $(TARGETS) *~ #* core depend: $(CPP) -M $(CFLAGS) $(PPPDSRCS) >.depend