/*********************************************************************** * * common.c * * Implementation of user-space PPPoE redirector for Linux. * * Common functions used by PPPoE client and server * * Copyright (C) 2000 by Roaring Penguin Software Inc. * * This program may be distributed according to the terms of the GNU * General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version. * ***********************************************************************/ static char const RCSID[] = "$Id: common.c,v 1.3 2008/06/09 08:34:23 paulus Exp $"; #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #include "pppoe.h" #include "pppd/pppd.h" #include #include #include #include /* for LOG_DEBUG */ #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif /********************************************************************** *%FUNCTION: parsePacket *%ARGUMENTS: * packet -- the PPPoE discovery packet to parse * func -- function called for each tag in the packet * extra -- an opaque data pointer supplied to parsing function *%RETURNS: * 0 if everything went well; -1 if there was an error *%DESCRIPTION: * Parses a PPPoE discovery packet, calling "func" for each tag in the packet. * "func" is passed the additional argument "extra". ***********************************************************************/ int parsePacket(PPPoEPacket *packet, ParseFunc *func, void *extra) { UINT16_t len = ntohs(packet->length); unsigned char *curTag; UINT16_t tagType, tagLen; if (PPPOE_VER(packet->vertype) != 1) { error("Invalid PPPoE version (%d)", PPPOE_VER(packet->vertype)); return -1; } if (PPPOE_TYPE(packet->vertype) != 1) { error("Invalid PPPoE type (%d)", PPPOE_TYPE(packet->vertype)); return -1; } /* Do some sanity checks on packet */ if (len > ETH_JUMBO_LEN - PPPOE_OVERHEAD) { /* 6-byte overhead for PPPoE header */ error("Invalid PPPoE packet length (%u)", len); return -1; } /* Step through the tags */ curTag = packet->payload; while(curTag - packet->payload < len) { /* Alignment is not guaranteed, so do this by hand... */ tagType = (curTag[0] << 8) + curTag[1]; tagLen = (curTag[2] << 8) + curTag[3]; if (tagType == TAG_END_OF_LIST) { return 0; } if ((curTag - packet->payload) + tagLen + TAG_HDR_SIZE > len) { error("Invalid PPPoE tag length (%u)", tagLen); return -1; } func(tagType, tagLen, curTag+TAG_HDR_SIZE, extra); curTag = curTag + TAG_HDR_SIZE + tagLen; } return 0; } /*********************************************************************** *%FUNCTION: sendPADT *%ARGUMENTS: * conn -- PPPoE connection * msg -- if non-NULL, extra error message to include in PADT packet. *%RETURNS: * Nothing *%DESCRIPTION: * Sends a PADT packet ***********************************************************************/ void sendPADT(PPPoEConnection *conn, char const *msg) { PPPoEPacket packet; unsigned char *cursor = packet.payload; UINT16_t plen = 0; /* Do nothing if no session established yet */ if (!conn->session) return; /* Do nothing if no discovery socket */ if (conn->discoverySocket < 0) return; memcpy(packet.ethHdr.h_dest, conn->peerEth, ETH_ALEN); memcpy(packet.ethHdr.h_source, conn->myEth, ETH_ALEN); packet.ethHdr.h_proto = htons(Eth_PPPOE_Discovery); packet.vertype = PPPOE_VER_TYPE(1, 1); packet.code = CODE_PADT; packet.session = conn->session; /* Reset Session to zero so there is no possibility of recursive calls to this function by any signal handler */ conn->session = 0; /* If we're using Host-Uniq, copy it over */ if (conn->hostUniq.length) { int len = ntohs(conn->hostUniq.length); memcpy(cursor, &conn->hostUniq, len + TAG_HDR_SIZE); cursor += len + TAG_HDR_SIZE; plen += len + TAG_HDR_SIZE; } /* Copy error message */ if (msg) { PPPoETag err; size_t elen = strlen(msg); err.type = htons(TAG_GENERIC_ERROR); err.length = htons(elen); strcpy(err.payload, msg); memcpy(cursor, &err, elen + TAG_HDR_SIZE); cursor += elen + TAG_HDR_SIZE; plen += elen + TAG_HDR_SIZE; } /* Copy cookie and relay-ID if needed */ if (conn->cookie.type) { CHECK_ROOM(cursor, packet.payload, ntohs(conn->cookie.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE); memcpy(cursor, &conn->cookie, ntohs(conn->cookie.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE); cursor += ntohs(conn->cookie.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE; plen += ntohs(conn->cookie.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE; } if (conn->relayId.type) { CHECK_ROOM(cursor, packet.payload, ntohs(conn->relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE); memcpy(cursor, &conn->relayId, ntohs(conn->relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE); cursor += ntohs(conn->relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE; plen += ntohs(conn->relayId.length) + TAG_HDR_SIZE; } packet.length = htons(plen); sendPacket(conn, conn->discoverySocket, &packet, (int) (plen + HDR_SIZE)); info("Sent PADT"); } #define EH(x) (x)[0], (x)[1], (x)[2], (x)[3], (x)[4], (x)[5] /* Print out a PPPOE packet for debugging */ void pppoe_printpkt(PPPoEPacket *packet, void (*printer)(void *, char *, ...), void *arg) { int len = ntohs(packet->length); int i, tag, tlen, text; switch (ntohs(packet->ethHdr.h_proto)) { case ETH_PPPOE_DISCOVERY: printer(arg, "PPPOE Discovery V%dT%d ", PPPOE_VER(packet->vertype), PPPOE_TYPE(packet->vertype)); switch (packet->code) { case CODE_PADI: printer(arg, "PADI"); break; case CODE_PADO: printer(arg, "PADO"); break; case CODE_PADR: printer(arg, "PADR"); break; case CODE_PADS: printer(arg, "PADS"); break; case CODE_PADT: printer(arg, "PADT"); break; default: printer(arg, "unknown code %x", packet->code); } printer(arg, " session 0x%x length %d\n", ntohs(packet->session), len); break; case ETH_PPPOE_SESSION: printer(arg, "PPPOE Session V%dT%d", PPPOE_VER(packet->vertype), PPPOE_TYPE(packet->vertype)); printer(arg, " code 0x%x session 0x%x length %d\n", packet->code, ntohs(packet->session), len); break; default: printer(arg, "Unknown ethernet frame with proto = 0x%x\n", ntohs(packet->ethHdr.h_proto)); } printer(arg, " dst %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x ", EH(packet->ethHdr.h_dest)); printer(arg, " src %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", EH(packet->ethHdr.h_source)); if (ntohs(packet->ethHdr.h_proto) != ETH_PPPOE_DISCOVERY) return; for (i = 0; i + TAG_HDR_SIZE <= len; i += tlen) { tag = (packet->payload[i] << 8) + packet->payload[i+1]; tlen = (packet->payload[i+2] << 8) + packet->payload[i+3]; if (i + tlen + TAG_HDR_SIZE > len) break; text = 0; i += TAG_HDR_SIZE; printer(arg, " ["); switch (tag) { case TAG_END_OF_LIST: printer(arg, "end-of-list"); break; case TAG_SERVICE_NAME: printer(arg, "service-name"); text = 1; break; case TAG_AC_NAME: printer(arg, "AC-name"); text = 1; break; case TAG_HOST_UNIQ: printer(arg, "host-uniq"); break; case TAG_AC_COOKIE: printer(arg, "AC-cookie"); break; case TAG_VENDOR_SPECIFIC: printer(arg, "vendor-specific"); break; case TAG_RELAY_SESSION_ID: printer(arg, "relay-session-id"); break; case TAG_PPP_MAX_PAYLOAD: printer(arg, "PPP-max-payload"); break; case TAG_SERVICE_NAME_ERROR: printer(arg, "service-name-error"); text = 1; break; case TAG_AC_SYSTEM_ERROR: printer(arg, "AC-system-error"); text = 1; break; case TAG_GENERIC_ERROR: printer(arg, "generic-error"); text = 1; break; default: printer(arg, "unknown tag 0x%x", tag); } if (tlen) { if (text) printer(arg, " %.*v", tlen, &packet->payload[i]); else if (tlen <= 32) printer(arg, " %.*B", tlen, &packet->payload[i]); else printer(arg, " %.32B... (length %d)", &packet->payload[i], tlen); } printer(arg, "]"); } printer(arg, "\n"); } void pppoe_log_packet(const char *prefix, PPPoEPacket *packet) { init_pr_log(prefix, LOG_DEBUG); pppoe_printpkt(packet, pr_log, NULL); end_pr_log(); }