/* * Copyright (C) 2013 John Crispin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "syslog.h" int debug = 0; static struct blob_buf b; static struct ubus_auto_conn conn; static LIST_HEAD(clients); enum { READ_LINES, READ_STREAM, __READ_MAX }; static const struct blobmsg_policy read_policy[__READ_MAX] = { [READ_LINES] = { .name = "lines", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT32 }, [READ_STREAM] = { .name = "stream", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL }, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy write_policy = { .name = "event", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }; struct client { struct list_head list; struct ustream_fd s; int fd; }; static void client_close(struct ustream *s) { struct client *cl = container_of(s, struct client, s.stream); list_del(&cl->list); ustream_free(s); close(cl->fd); free(cl); } static void client_notify_state(struct ustream *s) { client_close(s); } static void log_fill_msg(struct blob_buf *b, struct log_head *l) { blobmsg_add_string(b, "msg", l->data); blobmsg_add_u32(b, "id", l->id); blobmsg_add_u32(b, "priority", l->priority); blobmsg_add_u32(b, "source", l->source); blobmsg_add_u64(b, "time", (((__u64) l->ts.tv_sec) * 1000) + (l->ts.tv_nsec / 1000000)); } static int read_log(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_object *obj, struct ubus_request_data *req, const char *method, struct blob_attr *msg) { struct client *cl; struct blob_attr *tb[__READ_MAX] = { 0 }; struct log_head *l; int count = 0; int fds[2]; int ret; bool stream = true; void *c, *e; if (!stream) count = 100; if (msg) { blobmsg_parse(read_policy, __READ_MAX, tb, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); if (tb[READ_LINES]) count = blobmsg_get_u32(tb[READ_LINES]); if (tb[READ_STREAM]) stream = blobmsg_get_bool(tb[READ_STREAM]); } if (pipe(fds) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "logd: failed to create pipe: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } l = log_list(count, NULL); if (stream) { ubus_request_set_fd(ctx, req, fds[0]); cl = calloc(1, sizeof(*cl)); cl->s.stream.notify_state = client_notify_state; cl->fd = fds[1]; ustream_fd_init(&cl->s, cl->fd); list_add(&cl->list, &clients); while ((!tb[READ_LINES] || count) && l) { blob_buf_init(&b, 0); log_fill_msg(&b, l); l = log_list(count, l); ret = ustream_write(&cl->s.stream, (void *) b.head, blob_len(b.head) + sizeof(struct blob_attr), false); if (ret < 0) break; } } else { blob_buf_init(&b, 0); c = blobmsg_open_array(&b, "log"); while ((!tb[READ_LINES] || count) && l) { e = blobmsg_open_table(&b, NULL); log_fill_msg(&b, l); blobmsg_close_table(&b, e); l = log_list(count, l); } blobmsg_close_array(&b, c); ubus_send_reply(ctx, req, b.head); } blob_buf_free(&b); return 0; } static int write_log(struct ubus_context *ctx, struct ubus_object *obj, struct ubus_request_data *req, const char *method, struct blob_attr *msg) { struct blob_attr *tb; char *event; if (msg) { blobmsg_parse(&write_policy, 1, &tb, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); if (tb) { event = blobmsg_get_string(tb); log_add(event, strlen(event) + 1, SOURCE_SYSLOG); } } return 0; } static const struct ubus_method log_methods[] = { UBUS_METHOD("read", read_log, read_policy), { .name = "write", .handler = write_log, .policy = &write_policy, .n_policy = 1 }, }; static struct ubus_object_type log_object_type = UBUS_OBJECT_TYPE("log", log_methods); static struct ubus_object log_object = { .name = "log", .type = &log_object_type, .methods = log_methods, .n_methods = ARRAY_SIZE(log_methods), }; void ubus_notify_log(struct log_head *l) { struct client *c; if (list_empty(&clients)) return; blob_buf_init(&b, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&b, "msg", l->data); blobmsg_add_u32(&b, "id", l->id); blobmsg_add_u32(&b, "priority", l->priority); blobmsg_add_u32(&b, "source", l->source); blobmsg_add_u64(&b, "time", (((__u64) l->ts.tv_sec) * 1000) + (l->ts.tv_nsec / 1000000)); list_for_each_entry(c, &clients, list) ustream_write(&c->s.stream, (void *) b.head, blob_len(b.head) + sizeof(struct blob_attr), false); blob_buf_free(&b); } static void ubus_connect_handler(struct ubus_context *ctx) { int ret; ret = ubus_add_object(ctx, &log_object); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to add object: %s\n", ubus_strerror(ret)); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "log: connected to ubus\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch, log_size = 16; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "S:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'S': log_size = atoi(optarg); if (log_size < 1) log_size = 16; break; } } log_size *= 1024; uloop_init(); log_init(log_size); conn.cb = ubus_connect_handler; ubus_auto_connect(&conn); uloop_run(); log_shutdown(); uloop_done(); ubus_auto_shutdown(&conn); return 0; }