/* * Copyright (C) 2013 John Crispin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "syslog.h" #define LOG_DEFAULT_SIZE (16 * 1024) #define LOG_DEFAULT_SOCKET "/dev/log" #define LOG_LINE_LEN 256 #define SYSLOG_PADDING 16 #define KLOG_DEFAULT_PROC "/proc/kmsg" #define PAD(x) (x % 4) ? (((x) - (x % 4)) + 4) : (x) static char *log_dev = LOG_DEFAULT_SOCKET; static int log_size = LOG_DEFAULT_SIZE; static struct log_head *log, *log_end, *oldest, *newest; static int current_id = 0; static regex_t pat_prio; static regex_t pat_tstamp; static struct log_head* log_next(struct log_head *h, int size) { struct log_head *n = (struct log_head *) &h->data[PAD(size)]; return (n >= log_end) ? (log) : (n); } void log_add(char *buf, int size, int source) { regmatch_t matches[4]; struct log_head *next; int priority = 0; int ret; /* bounce out if we don't have init'ed yet (regmatch etc will blow) */ if (!log) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf); return; } /* strip trailing newline */ if (buf[size - 2] == '\n') { buf[size - 2] = '\0'; size -= 1; } /* strip the priority */ ret = regexec(&pat_prio, buf, 3, matches, 0); if (!ret) { priority = atoi(&buf[matches[1].rm_so]); size -= matches[2].rm_so; buf += matches[2].rm_so; } #if 0 /* strip kernel timestamp */ ret = regexec(&pat_tstamp,buf, 4, matches, 0); if ((source == SOURCE_KLOG) && !ret) { size -= matches[3].rm_so; buf += matches[3].rm_so; } #endif /* strip syslog timestamp */ if ((source == SOURCE_SYSLOG) && (size > SYSLOG_PADDING) && (buf[SYSLOG_PADDING - 1] == ' ')) { size -= SYSLOG_PADDING; buf += SYSLOG_PADDING; } //fprintf(stderr, "-> %d - %s\n", priority, buf); /* find new oldest entry */ next = log_next(newest, size); if (next > newest) { while ((oldest > newest) && (oldest <= next) && (oldest != log)) oldest = log_next(oldest, oldest->size); } else { //fprintf(stderr, "Log wrap\n"); newest->size = 0; next = log_next(log, size); for (oldest = log; oldest <= next; oldest = log_next(oldest, oldest->size)) ; newest = log; } /* add the log message */ newest->size = size; newest->id = current_id++; newest->priority = priority; newest->source = source; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &newest->ts); strcpy(newest->data, buf); ubus_notify_log(newest); newest = next; } static void slog_cb(struct ustream *s, int bytes) { struct ustream_buf *buf = s->r.head; char *str; int len; do { str = ustream_get_read_buf(s, NULL); if (!str) break; len = strlen(buf->data); if (!len) { bytes -= 1; ustream_consume(s, 1); continue; } log_add(buf->data, len + 1, SOURCE_SYSLOG); ustream_consume(s, len); bytes -= len; } while (bytes > 0); } static void klog_cb(struct ustream *s, int bytes) { struct ustream_buf *buf = s->r.head; char *newline, *str; int len; do { str = ustream_get_read_buf(s, NULL); if (!str) break; newline = strchr(buf->data, '\n'); if (!newline) break; *newline = 0; len = newline + 1 - str; log_add(buf->data, len, SOURCE_KLOG); ustream_consume(s, len); } while (1); } struct ustream_fd slog = { .stream.string_data = true, .stream.notify_read = slog_cb, }; struct ustream_fd klog = { .stream.string_data = true, .stream.notify_read = klog_cb, }; static int klog_open(void) { int fd; fd = open(KLOG_DEFAULT_PROC, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", KLOG_DEFAULT_PROC); return -1; } fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); ustream_fd_init(&klog, fd); return 0; } static int syslog_open(void) { int fd; unlink(log_dev); fd = usock(USOCK_UNIX | USOCK_UDP | USOCK_SERVER | USOCK_NONBLOCK, log_dev, NULL); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open %s\n", log_dev); return -1; } chmod(log_dev, 0666); ustream_fd_init(&slog, fd); return 0; } struct log_head* log_list(int count, struct log_head *h) { unsigned int min = count; if (count) min = (count < current_id) ? (current_id - count) : (0); if (!h && oldest->id >= min) return oldest; if (!h) h = oldest; while (h != newest) { h = log_next(h, h->size); if (!h->size && (h > newest)) h = log; if (h->id >= min && (h != newest)) return h; } return NULL; } int log_buffer_init(int size) { struct log_head *_log = malloc(size); if (!_log) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize log buffer with size %d\n", log_size); return -1; } memset(_log, 0, size); if (log && ((log_size + sizeof(struct log_head)) < size)) { struct log_head *start = _log; struct log_head *end = ((void*) _log) + size; struct log_head *l; l = log_list(0, NULL); while ((start < end) && l && l->size) { memcpy(start, l, PAD(sizeof(struct log_head) + l->size)); start = (struct log_head *) &l->data[PAD(l->size)]; l = log_list(0, l); } free(log); newest = start; newest->size = 0; oldest = log = _log; log_end = ((void*) log) + size; } else { oldest = newest = log = _log; log_end = ((void*) log) + size; } log_size = size; return 0; } void log_init(int _log_size) { if (_log_size > 0) log_size = _log_size; regcomp(&pat_prio, "^<([0-9]*)>(.*)", REG_EXTENDED); regcomp(&pat_tstamp, "^\[[ 0]*([0-9]*).([0-9]*)] (.*)", REG_EXTENDED); if (log_buffer_init(log_size)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate log memory\n"); exit(-1); } syslog_open(); klog_open(); openlog("sysinit", LOG_CONS, LOG_DAEMON); } void log_shutdown(void) { ustream_free(&slog.stream); ustream_free(&klog.stream); close(slog.fd.fd); close(klog.fd.fd); free(log); regfree(&pat_prio); regfree(&pat_tstamp); }