#!/bin/bash # This file is part of util-linux. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. TS_TOPDIR="${0%/*}/../.." TS_DESC="options" . $TS_TOPDIR/functions.sh ts_init "$*" ts_check_test_command "$TS_CMD_GETOPT" export LANG=C function gnu_getopt_clean() { sed --in-place \ -e "s/: \(.*\) -- \(.\)$/: \1 -- '\2'/" \ -e "s/ ['\`]\(--[a-zA-Z0-9]\{1,\}\)'/ '\1'/g" \ -e "s/unrecognized option: \(.\)$/invalid option -- '\1'/" \ -e "s/option requires an argument: \(.\)$/option requires an argument -- '\1'/" \ -e "s/unrecognized option: \([^'-].\{1,\}\)$/unrecognized option '--\1'/" \ "$TS_OUTPUT" } ts_init_subtest alternative_option_clash $TS_CMD_GETOPT -a -o abcde -l abcde -- -a -ab -abc -ac >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest alternative_option_long $TS_CMD_GETOPT --alternative -o a -l one,two:,three::,four:: -- -a -one -two=MANDATORY -three=OPTIONAL >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest alternative_option_short $TS_CMD_GETOPT -a -o a -l one,two:,three::,four:: -- -a -one -two=MANDATORY -three=OPTIONAL >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest invalid_getopt_option $TS_CMD_GETOPT -b >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT sed -i '1,1s/.*\///' $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest invocation_model_one $TS_CMD_GETOPT abc:d::e::f::g: ARG0 -b ARG1 -d -eOPTIONAL1 -f NOT_OPTIONAL ARG2 -a -c -ISREQUIRED ARG3 -g "BECOMES THREE ARGUMENTS" >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest invocation_model_three_as_one $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o abc:d::e::f::g: -- ARG0 -b ARG1 -d -eOPTIONAL1 -f NOT_OPTIONAL ARG2 -a -c -ISREQUIRED ARG3 -g "BECOMES THREE ARGUMENTS" >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest invocation_model_two_as_one $TS_CMD_GETOPT -- abc:d::e::f::g: ARG0 -b ARG1 -d -eOPTIONAL1 -f NOT_OPTIONAL ARG2 -a -c -ISREQUIRED ARG3 -g "BECOMES THREE ARGUMENTS" >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest invocation_without_parameters $TS_CMD_GETOPT >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest long_option_ambiguous_1 $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o a -l long1,long2 -- --long >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT sed -i -e '1,1s/.*\///' -e "1s/ambiguous$/ambiguous; possibilities: '--long1' '--long2'/" $TS_OUTPUT sed -i -e "1s/is ambiguous: long$/'--long' is ambiguous; possibilities: '--long1' '--long2'/" $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest longopts $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o a -l long1,secondlong:,thirdlong::,abbriviation: -- --long1 EXTRA1 --thirdlong=ARGUMENT --secondlong=ARG --abbr ABBRARG -a >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest name_option_long $TS_CMD_GETOPT -n THIS_PROGRAM -o a -l long -- -b --long --whatever -a >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest name_option_short $TS_CMD_GETOPT --name THIS_PROGRAM -o a -l long -- -b --long --whatever -a >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest quiet_option_long $TS_CMD_GETOPT --quiet -o a,b: -l long1,long2 -- -c --unknown --long -b >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest quiet_option_short $TS_CMD_GETOPT -q -o a,b: -l long1,long2 -- -c --unknown --long -b >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest quiet_output_option_long $TS_CMD_GETOPT --quiet-output -o a,b: -l long1,long2 -- -c --unknown --long -b >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT sed -i -e '1,4s/.*\///' -e "3s/ambiguous$/ambiguous; possibilities: '--long1' '--long2'/" $TS_OUTPUT sed -i -e "3s/is ambiguous: long$/'--long' is ambiguous; possibilities: '--long1' '--long2'/" $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest quiet_output_option_short $TS_CMD_GETOPT -Q -o a,b: -l long1,long2 -- -c --unknown --long -b >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT sed -i -e '1,4s/.*\///' -e "3s/ambiguous$/ambiguous; possibilities: '--long1' '--long2'/" $TS_OUTPUT sed -i "3s/is ambiguous: long$/'--long' is ambiguous; possibilities: '--long1' '--long2'/" $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest same_long_short_options $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o a -l a -- -a --a >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest test_for_enhanced_getopt $TS_CMD_GETOPT -T >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest unknown_options $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o a -l long -- -b --long --whatever -a >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT sed -i '1,2s/.*\///' $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest unquoted_option_bash $TS_CMD_GETOPT -s bash -u -o a: -l long1: -- -a '$?!* ' --long \"\\\' 'More than one line' >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest unquoted_option_tcsh $TS_CMD_GETOPT -s tcsh --unquoted -o a: -l long1: -- -a '$?!* ' --long \"\\\' 'More than one line' >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest weird_quoting_bash $TS_CMD_GETOPT -s bash -o a: -l long1: -- -a '$?!* ' --long \"\\\' 'More than one line' >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest weird_quoting_tcsh $TS_CMD_GETOPT --shell tcsh -o a: -l long1: -- -a '$?!* ' --long \"\\\' 'More than one line' >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT gnu_getopt_clean ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest compatible $TS_CMD_GETOPT >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT GETOPT_COMPATIBLE='' $TS_CMD_GETOPT >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT sed -i '1,1s/.*\///' $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest sh $TS_CMD_GETOPT --shell=sh -o ab:c:: --long a-long,b-long:,c-long:: -n 'example.sh' -- -a -b 1 -c2 --a-long --b-long 3 --c-long foo bar >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest csh $TS_CMD_GETOPT --shell=csh -o ab:c:: --long a-long,b-long:,c-long:: -n 'example.csh' -- -a -b 1 -c2 --a-long --b-long 3 --c-long foo bar >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest no-arguments $TS_CMD_GETOPT >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT sed -i '1,1s/.*\///' $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest posix_correctly $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o +ab:c:: --long a-long,b-long:,c-long:: -n 'example' -- -a -b 1 -c2 --a-long --b-long 3 --c-long foo bar xyxxy --a-long >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT POSIXLY_CORRECT='' $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o ab:c:: --long a-long,b-long:,c-long:: -n 'example' -- -a -b 1 -c2 --a-long --b-long 3 --c-long foo bar xyxxy --a-long >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest ts_init_subtest non-option $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o +a:b: -- -a x y -b z w >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o a:b: -- -a x y -b z w >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 $TS_CMD_GETOPT -o -a:b: -- -a x y -b z w >> $TS_OUTPUT 2>&1 echo "exit value: $?" >> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest ts_finalize