## Copyright (c) 2009 Openismus GmbH ## ## This file is part of mm-common. ## ## mm-common is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, ## or (at your option) any later version. ## ## mm-common is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with mm-common. If not, see . # Pick up aclocal flags from the environment. ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = ${ACLOCAL_FLAGS} bin_SCRIPTS = util/mm-common-prepare man1_MANS = util/mm-common-prepare.1 # These are installed so that mm-common-prepare can copy them # into projects at autogen.sh time: build_supportdir = $(pkgdatadir)/build dist_build_support_DATA = \ build/compile-binding.am \ build/dist-changelog.am \ build/doc-reference.am \ build/generate-binding.am # These are installed so that aclocal can copy them into aclocal.m4 # at autogen.sh time: aclocal_macrodir = $(datadir)/aclocal aclocal_macro_DATA = macros/mm-common.m4 dist_aclocal_macro_DATA = \ macros/mm-ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4 \ macros/mm-ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4 \ macros/mm-dietlib.m4 \ macros/mm-doc.m4 \ macros/mm-module.m4 \ macros/mm-pkg.m4 \ macros/mm-warnings.m4 # These are installed so that mm-common-prepare can copy them into projects # at autogen.sh time if a directory path is given to MM_CONFIG_DOCTOOL_DIR(), # or they can be found via pkg-config --variable=doctooldir mm-common, # which is preferrable. doctooldir = $(pkgdatadir)/doctool dist_doctool_DATA = \ util/doc-install.pl \ util/doc-postprocess.pl \ util/doxygen.css \ util/doxygen-extra.css \ util/tagfile-to-devhelp2.xsl doctagsdir = $(pkgdatadir)/doctags dist_doctags_DATA = doctags/libstdc++.tag # Let other modules find the utils with pkg-config: shared_pkgconfigdir = $(datadir)/pkgconfig nodist_shared_pkgconfig_DATA = \ doctags/mm-common-libstdc++.pc \ util/mm-common-util.pc noinst_DATA = \ doctags/mm-common-libstdc++-uninstalled.pc \ util/mm-common-util-uninstalled.pc dist_doc_DATA = README doc_DATA = skeletonmm.tar.gz skeletonmm_data_files = \ skeletonmm/.gitignore \ skeletonmm/AUTHORS \ skeletonmm/COPYING \ skeletonmm/ChangeLog \ skeletonmm/Makefile.am \ skeletonmm/README \ skeletonmm/configure.ac \ skeletonmm/skeletonmm.doap \ skeletonmm/build/.gitignore \ skeletonmm/codegen/Makefile.am \ skeletonmm/codegen/extradefs/generate_extra_defs_skeleton.cc \ skeletonmm/codegen/m4/convert.m4 \ skeletonmm/codegen/m4/convert_skeleton.m4 \ skeletonmm/codegen/m4/filelist.am \ skeletonmm/doc/Makefile.am \ skeletonmm/doc/reference/.gitignore \ skeletonmm/doc/reference/Doxyfile.in \ skeletonmm/examples/.gitignore \ skeletonmm/examples/Makefile.am \ skeletonmm/examples/example/example.cc \ skeletonmm/skeleton/.gitignore \ skeletonmm/skeleton/skeletonmm-uninstalled.pc.in \ skeletonmm/skeleton/skeletonmm.h \ skeletonmm/skeleton/skeletonmm.pc.in \ skeletonmm/skeleton/skeletonmmconfig.h.in \ skeletonmm/skeleton/skeletonmm/Makefile.am \ skeletonmm/skeleton/skeletonmm/filelist.am \ skeletonmm/skeleton/skeletonmm/wrap_init.h \ skeletonmm/skeleton/skeletonmm/private/.gitignore \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/Makefile.am \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/filelist.am \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/skeleton.ccg \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/skeleton.defs \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/skeleton.hg \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/skeleton_docs.xml \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/skeleton_enum.defs \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/skeleton_method.defs \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/skeleton_signal.defs \ skeletonmm/skeleton/src/skeleton_vfunc.defs skeletonmm_script_files = \ skeletonmm/autogen.sh \ skeletonmm/codegen/generate_defs_and_docs.sh skeletonmm_files = $(skeletonmm_script_files) $(skeletonmm_data_files) dist_noinst_DATA = util/mm-common-prepare.1.in $(skeletonmm_data_files) dist_noinst_SCRIPTS = autogen.sh $(skeletonmm_script_files) CLEANFILES = $(man1_MANS) $(doc_DATA) MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = $(dist_doctags_DATA) # Remote location of the GNU libstdc++ Doxygen tag file. libstdcxx_tag_url = http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/latest-doxygen/libstdc++.tag # Commands for downloading a target from a remote location, taking care # not to download a file again if its time stamp has not changed. download_curl = $(CURL) --compressed --connect-timeout 300 -g -L -m 3600 -R --retry 5 \ $(if $(wildcard $@),-z $@) -o $@ download_wget = $(WGET) -N -nd -T 300 -t 5 -P $(dir $@) subst_manpage = $(SED) 's|[@]PACKAGE_STRING[@]|$(PACKAGE_STRING)|g;s|[@]docdir[@]|$(docdir)|g' srctar_stdout = cd $(top_srcdir) >/dev/null && $(TAR) chof - # If network access is enabled (either by explicit user request or by default # if in maintainer mode), then always check the remote location of the tag file # for updates when building the default target. check_updates = $(and $(USE_NETWORK:no=),$(filter all%,$(or $(MAKECMDGOALS),all)),$(dist_doctags_DATA)) # By declaring a target phony, its rule is always executed. .PHONY: $(check_updates) postinst-acdir-notice # Avoid shipping partially downloaded files. .DELETE_ON_ERROR: # Download the libstdc++ tag file from the GCC website. doctags/libstdc++.tag: @$(if $(USE_NETWORK:no=),:,echo 'Error: $@ does not exist.' >&2; \ echo 'Downloading it is not possible because network is disabled.' >&2; \ echo 'Please run "$(MAKE) USE_NETWORK=yes", or reconfigure with' >&2; \ echo 'the --enable-network option.' >&2; exit 1) $(AM_V_GEN)$(if\ $(CURL),$(download_curl) '$(libstdcxx_tag_url)',$(if\ $(WGET),$(download_wget) '$(libstdcxx_tag_url)',test -f $@)) # Build the mm-common-prepare(1) manual page. util/mm-common-prepare.1: $(srcdir)/util/mm-common-prepare.1.in Makefile $(AM_V_GEN)$(subst_manpage) $(srcdir)/util/mm-common-prepare.1.in >$@ # Create tar archive of skeletonmm for installation. skeletonmm.tar.gz: $(skeletonmm_files) $(AM_V_GEN)($(srctar_stdout) $(skeletonmm_files)) | gzip -c >$@ include $(top_srcdir)/build/dist-changelog.am install-data-hook: $(if $(DESTDIR),,postinst-acdir-notice) # Inform the installer that M4 macro files installed in a prefix # not known to aclocal will not be picked up automatically. postinst-acdir-notice: @$(POST_INSTALL) @-acdir=`$${ACLOCAL-aclocal} --print-ac-dir 2>/dev/null || :`; \ case ":$$ACLOCAL_PATH:$$acdir:" in *':$(aclocal_macrodir):'*) ;; *) \ echo; echo 'NOTICE:'; echo; \ echo 'The $(PACKAGE_NAME) Autoconf macro files have been installed in a different'; \ echo 'prefix than the system aclocal directory. In order for the installed'; \ echo 'macros to be found, it may be necessary to add the $(PACKAGE_NAME) include'; \ echo 'path to the ACLOCAL_PATH environment variable:'; echo; \ echo ' ACLOCAL_PATH="$(aclocal_macrodir)"'; \ echo ' export ACLOCAL_PATH'; echo;; \ esac