mm-common 0.9.10 (2016-02-06) * Add the MM_AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX() m4 macro, to help other *mm projects build with C++11 or C++14 compiler support. This is based on AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX() but doesn't need to be copied into projects manually. It is less specific than MM_AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11. (Murray Cumming) mm-common 0.9.9 (2015-11-27) * Fix install-time rewrite of documentation tag references with newer Doxygen versions. (Daniel Elstner) * MM_ARG_ENABLE_WARNINGS for C++11 when using the -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant option with g++. (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #757979. * Don't assume all existing html files shall be rebuilt. (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #686364. mm-common 0.9.8 (2015-07-15) * Add the MM_AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11() m4 macro, to help other *mm projects build with C++11 compiler support. This is based on AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_11() but doesn't need to be copied into projects manually. (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #751432 mm-common 0.9.7 (2014-09-15) * Add doxygen-extra.css, deprecate doxygen.css. (Kjell Ahlstedt) * Update for Doxygen 1.8. (Kjell Ahlstedt) * Update skeletonmm. (Kjell Ahlstedt) mm-common 0.9.6 (2012-10-07) * Dist .js files that doxygen now generates (Murray Cumming) * Use $(MMDOCTOOLDIR) instead of @MMDOCTOOLDIR@ in (Kjell Ahlstedt) Bug #673984. * Make downloading tags optional. (Krzesimir Nowak) * Don't try to run tar by shell. * Don't use missing for making skeleton tarball. (Krzesimir Nowak) * Fix running doxygen when it is located at a path containing spaces (Armin Burgmeier) Bug #630051 mm-common 0.9.5 (2010-03-30) * Distribute doctools if non-empty parameter is passed to MM_CONFIG_DOCTOOL_DIR (Krzesimir Nowak) Bug #645836 mm-common 0.9.4 (2010-03-18) * Correct the installation of the mm-common-util.pc file. (Krzesimir Nowak) Bug #645080 mm-common 0.9.3 (2010-03-15) * Add an mm-common-util pkg-config file, to be used intead of of glibmm-2.4 to get the location of doctool .pl files, such as * MM_CONFIG_DOCTOOL_DIR(): Get the .pl files from mm-common's installed copy instead of from glibmm, which now doesn't install its own copy. Because this macro has been updated, there should be no need for any changes in other *mm modules due to the changes in glibmm or mm-common. * Allow use of GMMPROC_EXTRA_M4_DIR in to tell gmmproc about extra -I arguments. For instance, use this in MM_PKG_CONFIG_SUBST([GMMPROC_EXTRA_M4_DIR], [--variable=gmmprocm4dir gtkmm-3.0]) (Murray Cumming) mm-common 0.9.2 "Friends" (2010-02-05) Friends don't let friends declare friends. * Friend members of a class which are listed in a Doxygen tag file are now included in the transformation to Devhelp. * The skeleton Doxygen configuration has been updated to avoid blurry class labels in the hierarchy graphs. * A template for a custom reference documentation main page has been added to the skeleton binding module. mm-common 0.9.1 "Dash" (2009-12-31) Two years to go! * The skeleton Doxygen configuration file has been updated to further improve the generated reference documentation. * The dash separator before the API version suffix of a module name is now optional. * The installed skeletonmm source tree is now bundled in a tar archive. * When installing from source into a different prefix than the system aclocal, an informational notice will now be shown to inform about the need to set ACLOCAL_FLAGS. mm-common 0.9 "Invisible" (2009-12-26) The Invisible Book of Invisibility. * A number of small mistakes in the skeleton C++ binding files have been corrected. * The sample XML file for the obsolete documentation override mechanism has been removed from the skeleton project. * The tranformation from Doxygen to Devhelp has been extended to produce a hierarchy of class chapters grouped by scope. * The documentation build rules can now be included from the top-level, without recursion into a sub-directory. * A new MM_PROG_GCC_VISIBILITY Autoconf macro is now available to facilitate building with explicit symbol visibility. mm-common 0.8 "STFU!" (2009-09-21) Enjoy the silence. * Support for Automake 1.11 silent rules has been implemented in the shared Automake include files. * The base path of the Devhelp file is now correctly translated at installation time even with Automake 1.11. * A number of output directories are now created automatically at build time if needed, so that it is no longer necessary to put dummy files into otherwise empty directories. * The automatically generated ChangeLog file now omits merge commits. * The skeleton source tree now includes an examples/ directory and a skeletonmm.h single-include header file. * The skeleton Doxygen configuration file has been corrected and updated for Doxygen 1.6.1. * The utility no longer splits glob patterns with embedded whitespace into multiple patterns. mm-common 0.7.3 "Skeleton" (2009-09-09) The hip bone is connected to the rib bone. * A skeleton source tree of a C++ binding based on mm-common is now provided as a starting point for new binding modules. * The mm-common-prepare utility now comes with a manual page. * Empty documentation groups are no longer shown as chapters in the Devhelp document. * The reference documentation will be rebuilt when any of the configuration header files of a module changed. * The Doxygen style sheet has been further refined. mm-common 0.7.2 "Help" (2009-09-02) Get better help from Devhelp with an improved transformation. * The transformation from Doxygen to Devhelp no longer treats documentation groups as C++ namespaces. Also, documentation modules are now listed as book chapters. * The shared Doxygen style sheet has been adjusted to work properly with the new XHTML output of Doxygen. mm-common 0.7.1 "Lenience" (2009-08-28) Be a bit less unfashionably draconian. * It is no longer a hard error to build a package based on mm-common on a system with an older installation of glibmm which lacks the shared documentation utilities. mm-common 0.7 "Stylish" (2009-08-28) Document with style, using the new shared Doxygen style sheet. * A common style sheet for the C++ bindings documentation has been added, in order to improve and unify the appearance of the generated reference documentation. mm-common 0.6.1 "Librarian" (2009-08-25) We're on now, yay! * The only change in this release is the new default location of the public reference documentation, which is now hosted on mm-common 0.6 "Slash" (2009-08-24) To slash or not to slash? This release is all about slashes. * The external documentation magic now pleases both Doxygen and no more double slashes or accidentally concatenated words. * Absolute local paths are converted to file:// URIs for the XML and HTML documentation output. * The documentation generation is disabled automatically if the utilities required to build it are missing at configure time. * Add checks for GNU make and Perl. mm-common 0.5 "RTFM!" (2009-08-17) First tarball release of mm-common, the shiny new shared build infrastructure of the GNOME C++ binding modules.