/* * Marvell MMC/SD/SDIO driver * * (C) Copyright 2012 * Marvell Semiconductor <www.marvell.com> * Written-by: Maen Suleiman, Gerald Kerma * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include <common.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <part.h> #include <mmc.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/arch/cpu.h> #include <asm/arch/kirkwood.h> #include <mvebu_mmc.h> DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; #define DRIVER_NAME "MVEBU_MMC" #define MVEBU_TARGET_DRAM 0 static void mvebu_mmc_write(u32 offs, u32 val) { writel(val, CONFIG_SYS_MMC_BASE + (offs)); } static u32 mvebu_mmc_read(u32 offs) { return readl(CONFIG_SYS_MMC_BASE + (offs)); } static int mvebu_mmc_setup_data(struct mmc_data *data) { u32 ctrl_reg; debug("%s, data %s : blocks=%d blksz=%d\n", DRIVER_NAME, (data->flags & MMC_DATA_READ) ? "read" : "write", data->blocks, data->blocksize); /* default to maximum timeout */ ctrl_reg = mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_HOST_CTRL); ctrl_reg |= SDIO_HOST_CTRL_TMOUT(SDIO_HOST_CTRL_TMOUT_MAX); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_HOST_CTRL, ctrl_reg); if (data->flags & MMC_DATA_READ) { mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_SYS_ADDR_LOW, (u32)data->dest & 0xffff); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_SYS_ADDR_HI, (u32)data->dest >> 16); } else { mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_SYS_ADDR_LOW, (u32)data->src & 0xffff); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_SYS_ADDR_HI, (u32)data->src >> 16); } mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_BLK_COUNT, data->blocks); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_BLK_SIZE, data->blocksize); return 0; } static int mvebu_mmc_send_cmd(struct mmc *mmc, struct mmc_cmd *cmd, struct mmc_data *data) { int timeout = 10; ushort waittype = 0; ushort resptype = 0; ushort xfertype = 0; ushort resp_indx = 0; debug("cmdidx [0x%x] resp_type[0x%x] cmdarg[0x%x]\n", cmd->cmdidx, cmd->resp_type, cmd->cmdarg); udelay(10*1000); debug("%s: cmd %d (hw state 0x%04x)\n", DRIVER_NAME, cmd->cmdidx, mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_HW_STATE)); /* Checking if card is busy */ while ((mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_HW_STATE) & CARD_BUSY)) { if (timeout == 0) { printf("%s: card busy!\n", DRIVER_NAME); return -1; } timeout--; udelay(1000); } /* Set up for a data transfer if we have one */ if (data) { int err = mvebu_mmc_setup_data(data); if (err) return err; } resptype = SDIO_CMD_INDEX(cmd->cmdidx); /* Analyzing resptype/xfertype/waittype for the command */ if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_BUSY) resptype |= SDIO_CMD_RSP_48BUSY; else if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_136) resptype |= SDIO_CMD_RSP_136; else if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_PRESENT) resptype |= SDIO_CMD_RSP_48; else resptype |= SDIO_CMD_RSP_NONE; if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_CRC) resptype |= SDIO_CMD_CHECK_CMDCRC; if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_OPCODE) resptype |= SDIO_CMD_INDX_CHECK; if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_PRESENT) { resptype |= SDIO_UNEXPECTED_RESP; waittype |= SDIO_NOR_UNEXP_RSP; } if (data) { resptype |= SDIO_CMD_DATA_PRESENT | SDIO_CMD_CHECK_DATACRC16; xfertype |= SDIO_XFER_MODE_HW_WR_DATA_EN; if (data->flags & MMC_DATA_READ) { xfertype |= SDIO_XFER_MODE_TO_HOST; waittype = SDIO_NOR_DMA_INI; } else { waittype |= SDIO_NOR_XFER_DONE; } } else { waittype |= SDIO_NOR_CMD_DONE; } /* Setting cmd arguments */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ARG_LOW, cmd->cmdarg & 0xffff); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ARG_HI, cmd->cmdarg >> 16); /* Setting Xfer mode */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_XFER_MODE, xfertype); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_NOR_INTR_STATUS, ~SDIO_NOR_CARD_INT); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ERR_INTR_STATUS, SDIO_POLL_MASK); /* Sending command */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_CMD, resptype); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_NOR_INTR_EN, SDIO_POLL_MASK); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ERR_INTR_EN, SDIO_POLL_MASK); /* Waiting for completion */ timeout = 1000000; while (!((mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_NOR_INTR_STATUS)) & waittype)) { if (mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_NOR_INTR_STATUS) & SDIO_NOR_ERROR) { debug("%s: error! cmdidx : %d, err reg: %04x\n", DRIVER_NAME, cmd->cmdidx, mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_ERR_INTR_STATUS)); if (mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_ERR_INTR_STATUS) & (SDIO_ERR_CMD_TIMEOUT | SDIO_ERR_DATA_TIMEOUT)) return TIMEOUT; return COMM_ERR; } timeout--; udelay(1); if (timeout <= 0) { printf("%s: command timed out\n", DRIVER_NAME); return TIMEOUT; } } if (mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_ERR_INTR_STATUS) & (SDIO_ERR_CMD_TIMEOUT | SDIO_ERR_DATA_TIMEOUT)) return TIMEOUT; /* Handling response */ if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_136) { uint response[8]; for (resp_indx = 0; resp_indx < 8; resp_indx++) response[resp_indx] = mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_RSP(resp_indx)); cmd->response[0] = ((response[0] & 0x03ff) << 22) | ((response[1] & 0xffff) << 6) | ((response[2] & 0xfc00) >> 10); cmd->response[1] = ((response[2] & 0x03ff) << 22) | ((response[3] & 0xffff) << 6) | ((response[4] & 0xfc00) >> 10); cmd->response[2] = ((response[4] & 0x03ff) << 22) | ((response[5] & 0xffff) << 6) | ((response[6] & 0xfc00) >> 10); cmd->response[3] = ((response[6] & 0x03ff) << 22) | ((response[7] & 0x3fff) << 8); } else if (cmd->resp_type & MMC_RSP_PRESENT) { uint response[3]; for (resp_indx = 0; resp_indx < 3; resp_indx++) response[resp_indx] = mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_RSP(resp_indx)); cmd->response[0] = ((response[2] & 0x003f) << (8 - 8)) | ((response[1] & 0xffff) << (14 - 8)) | ((response[0] & 0x03ff) << (30 - 8)); cmd->response[1] = ((response[0] & 0xfc00) >> 10); cmd->response[2] = 0; cmd->response[3] = 0; } debug("%s: resp[0x%x] ", DRIVER_NAME, cmd->resp_type); debug("[0x%x] ", cmd->response[0]); debug("[0x%x] ", cmd->response[1]); debug("[0x%x] ", cmd->response[2]); debug("[0x%x] ", cmd->response[3]); debug("\n"); return 0; } static void mvebu_mmc_power_up(void) { debug("%s: power up\n", DRIVER_NAME); /* disable interrupts */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_NOR_INTR_EN, 0); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ERR_INTR_EN, 0); /* SW reset */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_SW_RESET, SDIO_SW_RESET_NOW); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_XFER_MODE, 0); /* enable status */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_NOR_STATUS_EN, SDIO_POLL_MASK); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ERR_STATUS_EN, SDIO_POLL_MASK); /* enable interrupts status */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_NOR_INTR_STATUS, SDIO_POLL_MASK); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ERR_INTR_STATUS, SDIO_POLL_MASK); } static void mvebu_mmc_set_clk(unsigned int clock) { unsigned int m; if (clock == 0) { debug("%s: clock off\n", DRIVER_NAME); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_XFER_MODE, SDIO_XFER_MODE_STOP_CLK); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_CLK_DIV, MVEBU_MMC_BASE_DIV_MAX); } else { m = MVEBU_MMC_BASE_FAST_CLOCK/(2*clock) - 1; if (m > MVEBU_MMC_BASE_DIV_MAX) m = MVEBU_MMC_BASE_DIV_MAX; mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_CLK_DIV, m & MVEBU_MMC_BASE_DIV_MAX); } udelay(10*1000); } static void mvebu_mmc_set_bus(unsigned int bus) { u32 ctrl_reg = 0; ctrl_reg = mvebu_mmc_read(SDIO_HOST_CTRL); ctrl_reg &= ~SDIO_HOST_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH_4_BITS; switch (bus) { case 4: ctrl_reg |= SDIO_HOST_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH_4_BITS; break; case 1: default: ctrl_reg |= SDIO_HOST_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH_1_BIT; } /* default transfer mode */ ctrl_reg |= SDIO_HOST_CTRL_BIG_ENDIAN; ctrl_reg &= ~SDIO_HOST_CTRL_LSB_FIRST; /* default to maximum timeout */ ctrl_reg |= SDIO_HOST_CTRL_TMOUT(SDIO_HOST_CTRL_TMOUT_MAX); ctrl_reg |= SDIO_HOST_CTRL_TMOUT_EN; ctrl_reg |= SDIO_HOST_CTRL_PUSH_PULL_EN; ctrl_reg |= SDIO_HOST_CTRL_CARD_TYPE_MEM_ONLY; debug("%s: ctrl 0x%04x: %s %s %s\n", DRIVER_NAME, ctrl_reg, (ctrl_reg & SDIO_HOST_CTRL_PUSH_PULL_EN) ? "push-pull" : "open-drain", (ctrl_reg & SDIO_HOST_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH_4_BITS) ? "4bit-width" : "1bit-width", (ctrl_reg & SDIO_HOST_CTRL_HI_SPEED_EN) ? "high-speed" : ""); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_HOST_CTRL, ctrl_reg); udelay(10*1000); } static void mvebu_mmc_set_ios(struct mmc *mmc) { debug("%s: bus[%d] clock[%d]\n", DRIVER_NAME, mmc->bus_width, mmc->clock); mvebu_mmc_set_bus(mmc->bus_width); mvebu_mmc_set_clk(mmc->clock); } /* * Set window register. */ static void mvebu_window_setup(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mvebu_mmc_write(WINDOW_CTRL(i), 0); mvebu_mmc_write(WINDOW_BASE(i), 0); } for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NR_DRAM_BANKS; i++) { u32 size, base, attrib; /* Enable DRAM bank */ switch (i) { case 0: attrib = KWCPU_ATTR_DRAM_CS0; break; case 1: attrib = KWCPU_ATTR_DRAM_CS1; break; case 2: attrib = KWCPU_ATTR_DRAM_CS2; break; case 3: attrib = KWCPU_ATTR_DRAM_CS3; break; default: /* invalide bank, disable access */ attrib = 0; break; } size = gd->bd->bi_dram[i].size; base = gd->bd->bi_dram[i].start; if (size && attrib) { mvebu_mmc_write(WINDOW_CTRL(i), MVCPU_WIN_CTRL_DATA(size, MVEBU_TARGET_DRAM, attrib, MVCPU_WIN_ENABLE)); } else { mvebu_mmc_write(WINDOW_CTRL(i), MVCPU_WIN_DISABLE); } mvebu_mmc_write(WINDOW_BASE(i), base); } } static int mvebu_mmc_initialize(struct mmc *mmc) { debug("%s: mvebu_mmc_initialize", DRIVER_NAME); /* * Setting host parameters * Initial Host Ctrl : Timeout : max , Normal Speed mode, * 4-bit data mode, Big Endian, SD memory Card, Push_pull CMD Line */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_HOST_CTRL, SDIO_HOST_CTRL_TMOUT(SDIO_HOST_CTRL_TMOUT_MAX) | SDIO_HOST_CTRL_DATA_WIDTH_4_BITS | SDIO_HOST_CTRL_BIG_ENDIAN | SDIO_HOST_CTRL_PUSH_PULL_EN | SDIO_HOST_CTRL_CARD_TYPE_MEM_ONLY); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_CLK_CTRL, 0); /* enable status */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_NOR_STATUS_EN, SDIO_POLL_MASK); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ERR_STATUS_EN, SDIO_POLL_MASK); /* disable interrupts */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_NOR_INTR_EN, 0); mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_ERR_INTR_EN, 0); mvebu_window_setup(); /* SW reset */ mvebu_mmc_write(SDIO_SW_RESET, SDIO_SW_RESET_NOW); udelay(10*1000); return 0; } static const struct mmc_ops mvebu_mmc_ops = { .send_cmd = mvebu_mmc_send_cmd, .set_ios = mvebu_mmc_set_ios, .init = mvebu_mmc_initialize, }; static struct mmc_config mvebu_mmc_cfg = { .name = DRIVER_NAME, .ops = &mvebu_mmc_ops, .f_min = MVEBU_MMC_BASE_FAST_CLOCK / MVEBU_MMC_BASE_DIV_MAX, .f_max = MVEBU_MMC_CLOCKRATE_MAX, .voltages = MMC_VDD_32_33 | MMC_VDD_33_34, .host_caps = MMC_MODE_4BIT | MMC_MODE_HS | MMC_MODE_HC | MMC_MODE_HS_52MHz, .part_type = PART_TYPE_DOS, .b_max = CONFIG_SYS_MMC_MAX_BLK_COUNT, }; int mvebu_mmc_init(bd_t *bis) { struct mmc *mmc; mvebu_mmc_power_up(); mmc = mmc_create(&mvebu_mmc_cfg, bis); if (mmc == NULL) return -1; return 0; }