/* * (C) Copyright 2009 * Marvell Semiconductor <www.marvell.com> * Written-by: Prafulla Wadaskar <prafulla@marvell.com> * * Derived from drivers/spi/mpc8xxx_spi.c * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ #include <common.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <spi.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/arch/kirkwood.h> #include <asm/arch/spi.h> #include <asm/arch/mpp.h> static struct kwspi_registers *spireg = (struct kwspi_registers *)KW_SPI_BASE; static u32 cs_spi_mpp_back[2]; struct spi_slave *spi_setup_slave(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs, unsigned int max_hz, unsigned int mode) { struct spi_slave *slave; u32 data; static const u32 kwspi_mpp_config[2][2] = { { MPP0_SPI_SCn, 0 }, /* if cs == 0 */ { MPP7_SPI_SCn, 0 } /* if cs != 0 */ }; if (!spi_cs_is_valid(bus, cs)) return NULL; slave = spi_alloc_slave_base(bus, cs); if (!slave) return NULL; writel(KWSPI_SMEMRDY, &spireg->ctrl); /* calculate spi clock prescaller using max_hz */ data = ((CONFIG_SYS_TCLK / 2) / max_hz) + 0x10; data = data < KWSPI_CLKPRESCL_MIN ? KWSPI_CLKPRESCL_MIN : data; data = data > KWSPI_CLKPRESCL_MASK ? KWSPI_CLKPRESCL_MASK : data; /* program spi clock prescaller using max_hz */ writel(KWSPI_ADRLEN_3BYTE | data, &spireg->cfg); debug("data = 0x%08x\n", data); writel(KWSPI_SMEMRDIRQ, &spireg->irq_cause); writel(KWSPI_IRQMASK, &spireg->irq_mask); /* program mpp registers to select SPI_CSn */ kirkwood_mpp_conf(kwspi_mpp_config[cs ? 1 : 0], cs_spi_mpp_back); return slave; } void spi_free_slave(struct spi_slave *slave) { kirkwood_mpp_conf(cs_spi_mpp_back, NULL); free(slave); } #if defined(CONFIG_SYS_KW_SPI_MPP) u32 spi_mpp_backup[4]; #endif __attribute__((weak)) int board_spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { return 0; } int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { #if defined(CONFIG_SYS_KW_SPI_MPP) u32 config; u32 spi_mpp_config[4]; config = CONFIG_SYS_KW_SPI_MPP; if (config & MOSI_MPP6) spi_mpp_config[0] = MPP6_SPI_MOSI; else spi_mpp_config[0] = MPP1_SPI_MOSI; if (config & SCK_MPP10) spi_mpp_config[1] = MPP10_SPI_SCK; else spi_mpp_config[1] = MPP2_SPI_SCK; if (config & MISO_MPP11) spi_mpp_config[2] = MPP11_SPI_MISO; else spi_mpp_config[2] = MPP3_SPI_MISO; spi_mpp_config[3] = 0; spi_mpp_backup[3] = 0; /* set new spi mpp and save current mpp config */ kirkwood_mpp_conf(spi_mpp_config, spi_mpp_backup); #endif return board_spi_claim_bus(slave); } __attribute__((weak)) void board_spi_release_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { } void spi_release_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { #if defined(CONFIG_SYS_KW_SPI_MPP) kirkwood_mpp_conf(spi_mpp_backup, NULL); #endif board_spi_release_bus(slave); } #ifndef CONFIG_SPI_CS_IS_VALID /* * you can define this function board specific * define above CONFIG in board specific config file and * provide the function in board specific src file */ int spi_cs_is_valid(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs) { return bus == 0 && (cs == 0 || cs == 1); } #endif void spi_init(void) { } void spi_cs_activate(struct spi_slave *slave) { setbits_le32(&spireg->ctrl, KWSPI_CSN_ACT); } void spi_cs_deactivate(struct spi_slave *slave) { clrbits_le32(&spireg->ctrl, KWSPI_CSN_ACT); } int spi_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, unsigned int bitlen, const void *dout, void *din, unsigned long flags) { unsigned int tmpdout, tmpdin; int tm, isread = 0; debug("spi_xfer: slave %u:%u dout %p din %p bitlen %u\n", slave->bus, slave->cs, dout, din, bitlen); if (flags & SPI_XFER_BEGIN) spi_cs_activate(slave); /* * handle data in 8-bit chunks * TBD: 2byte xfer mode to be enabled */ clrsetbits_le32(&spireg->cfg, KWSPI_XFERLEN_MASK, KWSPI_XFERLEN_1BYTE); while (bitlen > 4) { debug("loopstart bitlen %d\n", bitlen); tmpdout = 0; /* Shift data so it's msb-justified */ if (dout) tmpdout = *(u32 *)dout & 0xff; clrbits_le32(&spireg->irq_cause, KWSPI_SMEMRDIRQ); writel(tmpdout, &spireg->dout); /* Write the data out */ debug("*** spi_xfer: ... %08x written, bitlen %d\n", tmpdout, bitlen); /* * Wait for SPI transmit to get out * or time out (1 second = 1000 ms) * The NE event must be read and cleared first */ for (tm = 0, isread = 0; tm < KWSPI_TIMEOUT; ++tm) { if (readl(&spireg->irq_cause) & KWSPI_SMEMRDIRQ) { isread = 1; tmpdin = readl(&spireg->din); debug("spi_xfer: din %p..%08x read\n", din, tmpdin); if (din) { *((u8 *)din) = (u8)tmpdin; din += 1; } if (dout) dout += 1; bitlen -= 8; } if (isread) break; } if (tm >= KWSPI_TIMEOUT) printf("*** spi_xfer: Time out during SPI transfer\n"); debug("loopend bitlen %d\n", bitlen); } if (flags & SPI_XFER_END) spi_cs_deactivate(slave); return 0; }