-- Copyright 2009-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . -- This program declares a bunch of unconstrained objects and -- discrinimated records; the goal is to check that GDB does not crash -- when printing them even if they are not initialized. with Parse_Controlled; procedure Parse is -- START A : aliased Integer := 1; type Access_Type is access all Integer; type String_Access is access String; type My_Record is record Field1 : Access_Type; Field2 : String (1 .. 2); end record; type Discriminants_Record (A : Integer; B : Boolean) is record C : Float; end record; Z : Discriminants_Record := (A => 1, B => False, C => 2.0); type Variable_Record (A : Boolean := True) is record case A is when True => B : Integer; when False => C : Float; D : Integer; end case; end record; Y : Variable_Record := (A => True, B => 1); Y2 : Variable_Record := (A => False, C => 1.0, D => 2); Nv : Parse_Controlled.Null_Variant; type Union_Type (A : Boolean := False) is record case A is when True => B : Integer; when False => C : Float; end case; end record; pragma Unchecked_Union (Union_Type); Ut : Union_Type := (A => True, B => 3); type Tagged_Type is tagged record A : Integer; B : Character; end record; Tt : Tagged_Type := (A => 2, B => 'C'); type Child_Tagged_Type is new Tagged_Type with record C : Float; end record; Ctt : Child_Tagged_Type := (Tt with C => 4.5); type Child_Tagged_Type2 is new Tagged_Type with null record; Ctt2 : Child_Tagged_Type2 := (Tt with null record); type My_Record_Array is array (Natural range <>) of My_Record; W : My_Record_Array := ((Field1 => A'Access, Field2 => "ab"), (Field1 => A'Access, Field2 => "rt")); type Discriminant_Record (Num1, Num2, Num3, Num4 : Natural) is record Field1 : My_Record_Array (1 .. Num2); Field2 : My_Record_Array (Num1 .. 10); Field3 : My_Record_Array (Num1 .. Num2); Field4 : My_Record_Array (Num3 .. Num2); Field5 : My_Record_Array (Num4 .. Num2); end record; Dire : Discriminant_Record (1, 7, 3, 0); type Null_Variant_Part (Discr : Integer) is record case Discr is when 1 => Var_1 : Integer; when 2 => Var_2 : Boolean; when others => null; end case; end record; Nvp : Null_Variant_Part (3); type T_Type is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; type T_Ptr_Type is access T_Type; T_Ptr : T_Ptr_Type := new T_Type' (13, 17); T_Ptr2 : T_Ptr_Type := new T_Type' (2 => 13, 3 => 17); function Foos return String is begin return "string"; end Foos; My_Str : String := Foos; type Value_Var_Type is ( V_Null, V_Boolean, V_Integer ); type Value_Type( Var : Value_Var_Type := V_Null ) is record case Var is when V_Null => null; when V_Boolean => Boolean_Value : Boolean; when V_Integer => Integer_Value : Integer; end case; end record; NBI_N : Value_Type := (Var => V_Null); NBI_I : Value_Type := (Var => V_Integer, Integer_Value => 18); NBI_B : Value_Type := (Var => V_Boolean, Boolean_Value => True); begin null; end Parse;