/* Copyright 1999-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GDB. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include struct _simple_struct { int integer; unsigned int unsigned_integer; char character; signed char signed_character; char *char_ptr; int array_of_10[10]; }; typedef struct _simple_struct simpleton; simpleton global_simple; enum foo { bar = 1, baz }; typedef enum foo efoo; union named_union { int integer; char *char_ptr; }; typedef struct _struct_decl { int integer; char character; char *char_ptr; long long_int; int **int_ptr_ptr; long long_array[12]; void (*func_ptr) (void); struct _struct_decl (*func_ptr_struct) (int, char *, long); struct _struct_decl *(*func_ptr_ptr) (int, char *, long); union { int a; char *b; long c; enum foo d; } u1; struct { union { struct { int d; char e[10]; int *(*func) (void); efoo foo; } u1s1; long f; struct { char array_ptr[2]; int (*func) (int, char *); } u1s2; } u2; int g; char h; long i[10]; } s2; } weird_struct; struct _struct_n_pointer { char ****char_ptr; long ****long_ptr; struct _struct_n_pointer *ptrs[3]; struct _struct_n_pointer *next; }; void do_locals_tests (void); void do_block_tests (void); void subroutine1 (int, long *); void nothing (void); void do_children_tests (void); void do_special_tests (void); void incr_a (char); void incr_a (char a) { int b; b = a; } void do_locals_tests () { int linteger; int *lpinteger; char lcharacter; char *lpcharacter; long llong; long *lplong; float lfloat; float *lpfloat; double ldouble; double *lpdouble; struct _simple_struct lsimple; struct _simple_struct *lpsimple; void (*func) (void); /* Simple assignments */ linteger = 1234; lpinteger = &linteger; lcharacter = 'a'; lpcharacter = &lcharacter; llong = 2121L; lplong = &llong; lfloat = 2.1; lpfloat = &lfloat; ldouble = 2.718281828459045; lpdouble = &ldouble; lsimple.integer = 1234; lsimple.unsigned_integer = 255; lsimple.character = 'a'; lsimple.signed_character = 21; lsimple.char_ptr = &lcharacter; lpsimple = &lsimple; func = nothing; /* Check pointers */ linteger = 4321; lcharacter = 'b'; llong = 1212L; lfloat = 1.2; ldouble = 5.498548281828172; lsimple.integer = 255; lsimple.unsigned_integer = 4321; lsimple.character = 'b'; lsimple.signed_character = 0; subroutine1 (linteger, &llong); } void nothing () { } struct _struct_decl nothing1 (int a, char *b, long c) { struct _struct_decl foo; return foo; } struct _struct_decl * nothing2 (int a, char *b, long c) { return (struct _struct_decl *) 0; } void subroutine1 (int i, long *l) { global_simple.integer = i + 3; i = 212; *l = 12; } void do_block_tests () { int cb = 12; { int foo; foo = 123; { int foo2; foo2 = 123; { int foo; foo = 321; } foo2 = 0; } foo = 0; } cb = 21; } void do_children_tests (void) { weird_struct *weird; struct _struct_n_pointer *psnp; struct _struct_n_pointer snp0, snp1, snp2; char a0[2] = {}, *a1, **a2, ***a3; char b0[2] = {}, *b1, **b2, ***b3; char c0[2] = {}, *c1, **c2, ***c3; long z0, *z1, **z2, ***z3; long y0, *y1, **y2, ***y3; long x0, *x1, **x2, ***x3; int *foo; int bar; /* Avoid pointing into NULL, as that is editable on some systems. */ int dummy; int *dummy_ptr = &dummy; struct _struct_decl struct_declarations = { 0, 0, NULL, 0, &dummy_ptr }; weird = &struct_declarations; struct_declarations.integer = 123; weird->char_ptr = "hello"; bar = 2121; foo = &bar; struct_declarations.int_ptr_ptr = &foo; weird->long_array[0] = 1234; struct_declarations.long_array[1] = 2345; weird->long_array[2] = 3456; struct_declarations.long_array[3] = 4567; weird->long_array[4] = 5678; struct_declarations.long_array[5] = 6789; weird->long_array[6] = 7890; struct_declarations.long_array[7] = 8901; weird->long_array[8] = 9012; struct_declarations.long_array[9] = 1234; weird->func_ptr = nothing; weird->func_ptr_struct = nothing1; weird->func_ptr_ptr = nothing2; struct_declarations.long_array[10] = 3456; struct_declarations.long_array[11] = 5678; /* Struct/pointer/array tests */ a0[0] = '0'; a1 = a0; a2 = &a1; a3 = &a2; b0[0] = '1'; b1 = b0; b2 = &b1; b3 = &b2; c0[1] = '2'; c1 = c0; c2 = &c1; c3 = &c2; z0 = 0xdead + 0; z1 = &z0; z2 = &z1; z3 = &z2; y0 = 0xdead + 1; y1 = &y0; y2 = &y1; y3 = &y2; x0 = 0xdead + 2; x1 = &x0; x2 = &x1; x3 = &x2; snp0.char_ptr = &a3; snp0.long_ptr = &z3; snp0.ptrs[0] = &snp0; snp0.ptrs[1] = &snp1; snp0.ptrs[2] = &snp2; snp0.next = &snp1; snp1.char_ptr = &b3; snp1.long_ptr = &y3; snp1.ptrs[0] = &snp0; snp1.ptrs[1] = &snp1; snp1.ptrs[2] = &snp2; snp1.next = &snp2; snp2.char_ptr = &c3; snp2.long_ptr = &x3; snp2.ptrs[0] = &snp0; snp2.ptrs[1] = &snp1; snp2.ptrs[2] = &snp2; snp2.next = 0x0; psnp = &snp0; snp0.char_ptr = &b3; snp1.char_ptr = &c3; snp2.char_ptr = &a3; snp0.long_ptr = &y3; snp1.long_ptr = &x3; snp2.long_ptr = &z3; } void do_special_tests (void) { union named_union u; union { int a; char b; long c; } anonu; struct _simple_struct s; struct { int a; char b; long c; } anons; enum foo e; enum { A, B, C } anone; int array[21]; int a; a = 1; incr_a(2); } struct very_simple_struct { int a; int b; }; int do_child_deletion (void) { /*: BEGIN: child_deletion :*/ struct very_simple_struct s = {1, 2}; /*: mi_create_varobj S s "create varobj for s" mi_list_varobj_children S {{S.a a 0 int} {S.b b 0 int}} \ "list children of S" mi_delete_varobj S.a "delete S.a" mi_delete_varobj S.b "delete S.b" mi_delete_varobj S "delete S" :*/ return 99; /*: END: child_deletion :*/ } int main (int argc, char *argv []) { do_locals_tests (); do_block_tests (); do_children_tests (); do_special_tests (); do_child_deletion (); exit (0); }